Role Management Overdue Test Drive Notifications

Role Management - Overdue Test Drive Notifications

If you wish to receive an in app Notification when a Test Drive becomes overdue you can set up the 'Overdue Test Drive Notification' role.  When a Test Drive Form has an end date/time set and this time is passed without the form being completed this will cause a Notification to be generated.

The Overdue Test Drive Notification will be sent to the user who owns the lead, and any user marked as manager of the user.  The role can be set up by Yard and User, and it is also possible to deactivate the Notification where an particular individual does not want to receive it.

In 19.4 the Overdue Test Drive role can now not only alert you if a Vehicle is double booked for a Test Drive, but also stop the vehicle from being double booked if desired.  The Overdue Test Drive function now has role attribute which is a tick box to 'Prevent Double Booking Test Drives'.  When added to a role for a yard if a listing has been booked out on a Test Drive or Loan Car Form and the time conflicts with a new Test Drive it will prevent the user from booking the vehicle out.  You will need to complete the outstanding TD in order to book a new one for that vehicle.

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