Role Management - Lead Reminder Notification

Role Management - Lead Reminder Notification

The Lead Reminder Notification role is for setting up reminders when new leads are received. 

Historically AutoPlay had a invisible setting in the Lead Management screens which triggered alerts when leads were not actioned.  However this setting was not configurable which led to the role Lead Reminder Notification being built.  When the role is added to a yard/account it supersedes existing role functionality.

To qualify as 'without action' we detect the following activities.
1. No individual SMS or SMS as Email
2. No individual Email Response (excluding an Automated Response)
3. No click to call recorded for Phone Calls
4. No Calendar Event Completed or No Show (don't count scheduled as this doesn't mean they spoke to the customer)
5. No Progress update to anything other than awaiting action

The role functions are;
  1. Yard specific
  2. User specific
The types of Notifications available are 
  1. In app Notifications (can be disabled for individual users if required)
  2. SMS notifications (can be disabled for individual users if required)\Notification to User
The role has two built in Role Attributes.  
  1. Attribute 1 -> Time without action (2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days
  2. Attribute 2 -> Max Reminders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) reminders at intervals of scheduled Time without action
AP1 users have the ability to view additional logging specifically for the SMS 'Lead Reminder Notification' role.  In this role in the action menu there is a 'SMS Log' option which gives a break down of all the SMS reminders generated as a result of this role, including;
  1. Date SMS Created
  2. Date Lead Created
  3. Lead ID 
  4. Phone number SMS was sent to
This information is able to be downloaded as required.

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