The Test Drive Kiosk Role is specifically for the Test Drive Kiosk user.
The kiosk user must exist in this role and be marked as Manager. All other users listed will be used to populate the User dropdown on the New Lead screen. This allows the Kiosk user to allocate a lead to another user as part of the New Lead process.
Manager: denotes the user that the kiosk iPad device will be logged in as.
1. If on the New Lead screen the kiosk user selects a different user and creates a new lead, the test drive screen does NOT show the User dropdown and the lead will be owned by the selected user.
2. If the kiosk user leaves the selection as Kiosk User and creates a new lead, the test drive screen shows the User dropdown. If a user is selected here, the test drive AND the lead will be owned by the selected user.
3. If the kiosk user selects an existing lead and creates a test drive (by clicking the + on the lead popup screen) then regardless of the selected user, the test drive will be created with the original lead's user.
When a Test Drive is loaded against another Users lead via Kiosk mode it then sends one or more emails/notifications to the Lead Managers. It uses the email/sms settings on the Manage Leads role to determine who gets them.
The Test Drive Kiosk mode is designed to work best when set up on an tablet in a Kiosk. As the tablet is accessible to the general public for privacy reasons we need to eliminate the possibility of a customer accessing and viewing other customers information. For that reason by default we do not search the customer info for similar customers unless the role attribute 'Allow Similar Customer Search By PIN' is enabled. If this role is enabled the user can enter their unique pin to search for existing customer records - stopping customers from searching other customer details.
For the same reason by default when in Kiosk mode we don't allow the Kiosk login to access other screens including the Vehicle Registry. If you require the Vehicle Registry on the Kiosk mode it is possible to access this if the role attribute 'Enable Vehicle Registry' is enabled on your Kiosk role. The Vehicle Registry will allow you to load Loan Cars but it remains the responsibility of the dealership to ensure access to this is controlled and customers do not search other customers personal information.