Role Management - Manage Leads

Role Management - Manage Leads

MANAGE LEADS is the main role that controls the Sales Pipeline usage.  There are two levels of control.

1.  User added to the role - this enables the user to create leads and manage their own leads.  

2.  Ticking a User as a Manager allows that User to view and edit/manage leads for any user who is also in that role (whether or not they are also ticked as a manager).

The Yards control the grouping of salespeople when searching by user on the Dashboard or looking to allocate a lead.  It is important you choose yards on this role to ensure that it is easy to see what yards the manager works with. 

- Users can always allocate to any user who shares their role, whether they are manager or not.

REMEMBER - You also need to tick the Uses Sales Pipeline and Uses Roles boxes on My Company and My Users when you are setting up a new client.

Added New Role Attribute To 'Manage Leads' Role To View 'Not Allocated Leads' (SPW-4363)
The default functionality for a non manager in the Manage Leads role is to only be able to view the leads they create, or those allocated to them - with no visibility of other leads or leads not allocated to a user unless they are a Manager.  In 21.2.1 we've added a new Role Attribute to enable accounts to be set up that allow non managers to view non allocated leads.

With more phone and chat leads being captured it is becoming more common to encounter leads that are unable to be allocated to a specific user.  In the past Managers would have to find these leads and allocate them - when some dealers wanted their sales teams to grab leads on first come, first served basis.  The default will remain, however if required the role attribute 'Can View Not Allocated Leads' can be enabled.

  1. Without Role Attribute Enabled = Non Managers can only view leads allocated to them
  2. With Role Attribute Enabled = Non Managers can view and edit leads allocated to them AND leads that are Not Allocated to any user
In scenarios where there are two or more Manage Leads roles for a given Yard with conflicting Role Attributes the role with the Role Attribute enabled will take priority.

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