You can manually key in your customers information including their name, address and licence details. If is important you capture this information accurately as it ensures you can always identify who had your vehicle at any time. You can click on 'LOOKUP' under the address fields to complete a Google Address Lookup of your contacts address.
2. Scan your customers Business Card or Drivers Licence
If you have the customers Business Card or Drivers Licence you can use the built in scanning functionality to scan one of these cards via the camera icon in the grey action menu. This eliminates the need to manually type information into, and ensures Drivers Licence information is captured accurately - key when loaning your vehicles out. To find out more about Drivers Licence Scanning click
HERE. It is a good idea to scan a Drivers Licence here as it will be automatically saved if you immediately complete a Test Drive Form
3. Looking the customer up in your customer database
If you click on the 'LOOKUP' button under the customer info, you can run a search against existing customers in your database based on the info you have keyed in. You do not have to enter ALL the customer info to search your database, but you can only search if you have at least one of First Name, Last Name and Company, and one of Phone, Mobile and Email. If you have open leads against this customer you can view these using the 'VIEW LEADS' button. You can choose the matching customer record using the 'SELECT' button, or ignore by hitting 'CANCEL'.
To proceed to the next step click on the red 'ADD' button at the bottom of the screen. As it is so important to maintain a clean and tidy database, if you have not already run a customer search will automatically run one and let you know if their are similar customers already in the database, and if so provide an opportunity to update any details that may conflict with the info just captured.
Before you are able to save you must complete the
mandatory fields. The Test Drive Form uses the same mandatory fields as when creating a lead.
At this point you will arrive at the Test Drive Form screen, but you have yet to create a Test Drive Form. If you leave the screen now you will not record anything. To ensure you don't lose any customer info you must click 'SAVE' before leaving this screen.
From A Lead
The most common method of creating a Test Drive Form is via an existing Lead. If you start from an existing lead you do not need to select a customer, listing, lead source, type or campaign as this has already been captured as part of loading the lead.
To complete your Test Drive Form you need to capture as much information as possible vi the following sections;
1. Details
Test Drive Form - Select you want to use when you print. This field is compulsory, but will default to whatever you have set up for your yard, so is only relevant if you have alternate versions that you want to use. Click
HERE to find out more about Test Drive Form Templates
Sales Person - The Salesperson is locked to the current owner of the lead. If you are a manager you are able to create a Test Drive for another user, but this will display the Salesperson as the current lead owner.
Select A Listing - You have likely already got a listing selected on your lead - in which case this step can be skipped. However if the lead is on a different vehicle (e.g a "brochureware" listing), then you can change this via the 'SELECT' button. You can initially choose from any Listing that is on the Lead (Primary or Other). You can also choose the 'Select More' option to choose from all the listings you have rights to select in the
Listings role, which can be searched via the keyword or Yard drop downs. Any 'Other' listing you select will automatically be added to the Lead in the 'Other Listings' section.
If you select a listing that is already booked out on another Test Drive or Loan Vehicle Form you will see a warning message letting you know this.
In 19.4 can now not only alert you if a Vehicle is double booked for a Test Drive, but also stop the vehicle from being double booked if desired. The Overdue Test Drive function now has role attribute which is a tick box to 'Prevent Double Booking Test Drives'. When added to a role for a yard if a listing has been booked out on a Test Drive or Loan Car Form and the time conflicts with a new Test Drive it will prevent the user from booking the vehicle out. You will need to complete the outstanding TD in order to book a new one for that vehicle.
If you wish to record a Test Drive against a vehicle you don't have in stock you can do so by deleting the listing. This will reveal a field to manually type in vehicle details. This does not delete the Listing from your lead.
2. Test Drive Notes
Notes - enter any Notes relevant to the Test Drive Form. You can drag the corner of the Notes field to give yourself more space to type if required.
3. Duration
Start Date/Time - The 'Started' date/time will default to the current time. You can manually change this using the date pickers to schedule a Test Drive in advance of the customer being in the dealership.
End Date/Time - The 'Ended' date/time will default to the current time + 30 mins. If this time passes without the Test Drive Form being completed it will generate a notification that your Test Drive is overdue. Click
HERE to read more about overdue Test Drives.
Completed - The 'Completed' check box is used to record when the Test Drive has finished. Read more about Completing Test Drives
Auto Complete - If you wish to automatically book the listing back into stock, you can do so by entering an end time in advance, and ticking the 'Auto Complete' check box
Odometer Out - The Odometer Out field can be used to record the KM's on the vehicle before the Test Drive. Recording the 'Odometer In' when the vehicle is returned lets you know how many KM's the customer has done whilst taking the Test Drive.
4. Second Driver
If there is going to be a Second Driver you can capture their details on the Test Drive Form. You can also capture a photo of their Drivers Licence and scan their details via the camera icon in the grey action menu, or within the 'Add/Edit Images' section. Make sure to first click on '2nd Licence' to ensure you are adding to the second drivers details instead of the first.

5. Options
Before giving the Test Drive vehicle to your customer you need to disclose your Test Drive T&Cs
and get them to sign (click
HERE to find out how to manage your Test Drive T&C's). You can do this via the icon in the grey action menu, or by clicking on 'View & Sign' in the 'Options' section.
Test Drive T&C's - If you have different sets of T&C's for different purposes you can select these here as well. The Terms & Conditions will default to whatever you have set up for your dealership and yard. Note - an image of the signed Test Drive T&C's is saved, so if the T&C's are changed at a later date you still have a snapshot of what the customer signed at the time of signing.
Terms Accepted - Signing the T&C's will date stamp the signatures, and tick the 'Terms Accepted' check box. The Terms and Conditions can be set as a
mandatory field.
Trade In - The 'Trade In' check box enables a salesperson to record that the customer may have a Trade In vehicle for future reference.
Finance - The 'Finance' check box enables a salesperson to record if the customer is likely to be interested in finance.
Update Lead Progress - the 'Update Lead Progress' check box is ticked by default and will automatically update your Lead Progress to Test Drive to save you having to do this manually.
The final step before handing over the keys is to take photos of the vehicles condition before you have given it to the customer. This is not compulsory, but can be helpful if any damage is incurred. To do this click on the Check Out tab in the 'Add/Edit Images' section and select either the camera icon in the grey action menu, or the icon circled below within the 'Add/Edit Images' section. This is a great way to ensure that there are no disputes about any damage that occurs on the vehicle whilst in the possession of the customer.
Once you have saved your Test Drive Form you will see a few new options available within the grey action menu.