Completing Test Drive Forms

Completing Test Drive Forms

When the Test Drive has been completed you need to mark your Test Drive Form as 'Complete'.  In order to track accurately it is important that vehicles that are out on Test Drive are checked back into inventory.  To check Test Drives back into stock you can;
  1. Go to 'Listings>Vehicle Registry' and search for the Test Drive you want to complete (for more on the Vehicle Registry click HERE)
  2. Go to the 'Dashboard>Lead, then find the Test Drive Form you want to complete on the lead

If when you created the Test Drive Form you ticked 'Auto Complete' the Test Drive Form will automatically be completed if you had scheduled a date/time in the 'Ended' field.  If you had not you will need to check the vehicle back in by entering an end date for your Test Drive.  You can do this one of two ways.

1.  Tick the 'Completed' check box
Ticking the 'Completed' check box will automatically apply an end date of today's date and the current time.  You will need to click 'Save' in order to keep your changes.

2.  Click on the 'Complete Test Drive' button in the 'MORE' section of the grey action menu
If you click on the 'Complete Test Drive' button it will automatically tick the 'Completed' check box and apply today's date, and the current time in the 'Ended' field.  If there is already a date populated in the 'Ended' field you will be asked whether you want to update the date/time.

You can enter a date/time in the 'Ended' field to update when the Test Drive was actually returned - even if this was in the past, however you will not be able to enter an end time that occurs before the start time.  Please note that entering an 'Ended Time' by itself will not complete the Test Drive Form - you still need to complete the Test Drive Form using one of the methods outlined above.

When you check a Test Drive vehicle back in you can add the 'Odometer In' via the field in the 'Duration' section of the Test Drive Form.

It is also recommended that you take photos of the vehicles condition both before loaning the vehicle (via 'Condition Out') and when it is returned - via 'Condition In'.  To do so open the 'Images' section, click on the 'Condition In' tab and take photos using either of the camera icons pictured below.

Once you have completed a Test Drive Form the vehicle will be checked back into stock.  When you access the Vehicle Registry screen again your Test Drive Form will be visible when filtering to 'Completed' Test Drive Forms.  Completing Test Drive Forms will also remove the 'ON TEST DRIVE' banner on that listing wherever it is used.

To find out more about creating a new Test Drive Form click HERE.

To help the dealership workflows that may be in place, AutoPlay has also created some configurable options to guide the completion process

  1. Disable Auto Complete - This will remove the Auto Complete check box from all Test Drive forms. 
  2. Default to Auto Complete - This will default Auto Complete to be checked when creating a new Test Drive Form. If Disable Auto Complete is also present, it will overwrite this setting.

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