This article is simply to highlight the features and functions that are available on the appraisal form, and the additional modules that can be added to it. It will go down through the Current form and explain the options available to dealerships. Note that some functionality may differ between the New Zealand and Australians versions, and some features may incur additional charges
- Image Tab
- Reconditioning Splat Chart (External)
- Image Gallery preview
- Click this to show enlarged images
- Click this to add/edit/reorder images
- Vehicle Type
- Appraisal Form Selection
- Sales Person
- Dealer (only shown to accounts with SSO)
- Yard - this will inherit the leads yard
- Option to exclude this appraisal from any automations that might be set up
- Arbitrary option to select where the appraisal is within a dealership process
Appraisal Forms Custom appraisal forms can be created for any dealership or dealership group. This will allow for the the forms structure, branding and content to be controlled as a templated drop down option. Multiple forms can be available to a single account. Custom Forms incur a one off creation charge, please reach out to your Account Manager if you are interested in having one created.
This section differs slightly between countries
- Vin
- Chassis
- Registration
- (NZ ONLY) Retrieve Vehicle details - this does a look up to the NZTA and retrieves the vehicle specifications. Other fields in this section are added if they are retrieved via the look up.
- Compliance Date
- Build Date
Vehicle Look Up
This section highlights the look up services that can be done on an appraisal. These will differ per country, but also can be turned on and off per application on each dealership depending on the services they wish to have access to. Costs are displayed on screen where available.
NZ Look Up Options
- CarJam
- Checka Basic
- Checka Full
- Carcheck
- Motorweb VIR
- AutoGrab
- AutoCheck
Aus Look Up Options
- Redbook
- Redbook Advanced
- Motorweb
- Glass'
- Glass' Plus
- Rego to PPSR
The specifications will be updated when and where possibly by any of the above look up functions
This section will pull the contact details directly from the Lead Detail screen. Any updates here will update the contact record itself and so flow through to all other leads and forms that are connected.
The Address is also taken from the Contact record directly
This is the Drivers License details for the contact
This is a notes field for the appraisal form
Clicking on the Edit button will bring up a tick box selection of the default features list
Dealer Notes
This section allows for comments to be added to the Appraisal form that are for internal use only. Note that the comments section will be displayed when a wholesaler quote is sent. The Dealer Notes section will not be visible in external communications or exports.
Appraisal URLs
An Appraisal URL will typically be ingested from a third party system, but these can also be manually input
- Clicking add will create a new URL row
Standard set of communications options are displayed here. Note that wholesaler and internal communications are not listed in this section, only communications to the contact.
This section houses a few collated data fields about the vehicle itself that are often not returned in any look up, several of these have been highlighted as there is options for extra functionality on them
- WOF Issue Date. There is also a warning check that can be placed against the WOF issue date, a value (days) can be added by an AutoPlay Support user that will act as a threshold to pop up with a warning when the WOF was issues outside of that date range,. Many dealerships have made a recent WOF a mandatory option to trade a vehicle.
To set this threshold, there is a value that can be placed into a Role Attribute on the Vehicle Appraisal role (AutoPlay Users only)
2. RUC Km. Similar to the WOF issue date, a threshold check can be placed so that there is a warning when RUC are within a specified value (KMs), this can be added by an AutoPlay Support user only
Redbook (Aus ONLY)
Australian clients that have access to Redbook look ups have added fields for Redbook valuations
NVIC / Model Code (Aus ONLY)
Australian clients with access to the Glass' look ups will have a field to hold the NVIC code
This section is used to put a dollar value against the appraised vehicle. It will operate under a basic equation where it will take an initial offer, minus any reconditioning items that are specified within the Reconditioning section, and any money owing. There are a couple of configurable options that are available for this section

- Retail - there is a configurable option within the Vehicle Appraisal role attributes that will force wishlist price matches to check the retail field first, if there is no value entered then it will look at the adjusted trade in value
- Manager Approval - This is a separate Role that is available to all dealerships with appraisals enabled, Vehicle Appraisal Manager Approval. This can be configured to restrict sales persons options to enter values into this section, and also notify specified managers or users when a new appraisal has been created. Flow on effects on this role can be that only approved appraisals can be added to Write Up Forms. Read more on these here
A module that can be added at account level to an account for AutoGrab valuations, read more on this
The reconditioning section is a highly configurable section in the way that it can look and operate. The total value of these are then summarised into a single reconditioning amount and is used within the main valuation section to calculate the adjusted trade in offer. Reconditioning items have the ability to have default values entered against them to ensure items are always valued consistently
Default View
This view is a simple click to add a new reconditioning item and value
List View
This view will display specified reconditioning items (can be configured) to display by default to ensure users are all checking over the same items every time.
Reconditioning Item options
The reconditioning items themselves are also able to be further customisable. A dealer can create their own items, and sub items. The below example will highlight how these can be created, with Sub Items and a concept of 'Chargeable' items. If Chargeable is not selected, it is acknowledging that there is reconditioning work to be done, but this cost will not be on charged against the appraisal value or total reconditioning costs.
Labour can also be itemised individually via a role attribute on the Vehicle Appraisal role (AutoPlay users only)
Vehicle Appraisal Reconditioning Approval
In a similar fashion to how there is an option for Vehicle Appraisal Manager Approval, this same process has been expanded out to look specifically at the reconditioning costs. Having this role based function applied, sales persons can send individual appraisals to reconditioning team members, This will now display a reconditioning progress step and new fields to enter Actual amounts, and turning the original fields into Estimates. Reconditioning team members are then able to send this to a Reconditioning Manager to approve.
- Current Reconditioning progress step
- The next Reconditioning progress step
- The original sales person entered value becomes an estimate
- Reconditioning team members are able to enter an Actual amount
- This is the original sales persons reconditioning item totals
- This is the new reconditioning team members Actual totals
The tyres section is able to have individual items added when needed, or have them all display by default
Wholesale Quotes
This whole section is a module that can be added on at account level. It has various configurations for visibility and allows for dealerships to send an email or sms link to their wholesalers who are then able to submit a value back into the appraisal. More can be read on that
Appraisal Quotes
More on this coming soon. This will be the ability to send the customer a quote to purchase their appraisal.
Vehicle Condition
This section is built to host custom Appraisal Declarations. These can be configured for Dealership or Dealer Group level and allows for custom data sets to be collected, or custom items to be acknowledged. More on these
This section offers two options that force users to acknowledge industry wide questions
Finance Details
Some basic finance information that can be collected about the appraised vehicle
This section houses the customer declarations and allows for them to sign terms and conditions on the appraisal
Auction Online (NZ Only)
This is a third party wholesale site - appraisals are able to be sent individually from within the record itself to populate onto the Auction Online website
Revolution DMS Appraisal Export
This integration allows for Revolution DMS customers to have their appraisals sent in to their DMS. Charges apply.
Titan DMS Appraisal Export
This integration allows for Titan DMS customers appraisals to be exported on creation.
Sales Logs
A dealership using Sales Logs are able to have their appraisals exported