Improvements To Group Lead Allocation Functionality (SPW-4219, SPW-4314 and SPW-4122)
If a dealership is part of a group it is possible to activate the 'Group Lead Allocation' role in order to move leads from one AutoPlay account to another. With the 'Group Lead Allocation' role you can add the user ID of a user in the destination account, to your user in the account the lead was created in. The lead will appear in a screen called 'Lead Allocation' and users with this role can click export to migrate the lead to the user in the other account.
Historically this functionality was designed to use for OEM's during events where they would capture leads in one centralised AutoPlay account, then distribute them out to dealers after the event. As such it was in need of a few improvements to make it more useable for other contexts (such as in a call center environment).
1. Visibility Of Leads
When migrating leads from a centralised account we encountered some complex group configurations where a Master account would create leads against a separate brochureware account and then push them down to a third dealer account. In this scenario the recipients Manage Leads role would not detect the lead and it would not be visible. We've now made improvements where regardless of the lack of a 1:1 relationship - provided the user has the right yards in their role management they will see all the leads pushed from the parent account.
2. Migrating All Forms and Emails
The Group Lead Allocation function will now also migrate any Form (i.e Test Drive or Appraisal Form) from the originating account to the recipient account.
3. Alerting Users Receiving Leads
In previous versions the system was not recognizing these leads as new lead allocations and they were not generating any Lead Allocation alerts. In 20.11.1 there is a Role Attribute on the 'Group Lead Allocation' role called 'Notify Recipient'. When ticked in the account the lead was created in the recipient of the lead will receive an alert under the following circumstances;
a. User will receive an Email or Notification if these options are ticked in the Manage Leads role
b. User will receive a SMS Notification if this is enabled in the Receive SMS Lead Notification role
4. Treat These Leads As 'Electronic'
Previously these leads were not treated as 'Electronic' leads in the recipient account. This meant that when pushed from the centralised group account the recipients could change the Lead Source or Campaign - regardless of the 'Do Not Allow Source & Campaign Modification on Electronic Leads' setting being enabled (in Settings>Company Settings>My Company>Account Preferences. In 20.11.1 these types of migrated leads are now handled as electronic leads and if checked, the recipient will not be able to modify the Lead Source or Campaign - making for more accurate source attribution.
The exception is if the lead is moved to the recipient account with nothing populated in the Source or Campaign fields. In this scenario the user will be able to add or edit the Source and Campaign fields as required.
For Privacy reasons Car Sales Call Connect call recordings are not available to play within To make it easier for AutoPlay users to manage their Call Connect leads we've added a 'LAUNCH AUTOGATE' button next to the inbound Phone Call record captured against the lead. This links across to the record in AutoGate where they can listen to the call recording.
Match Captured Electronic Leads To Similar Open Leads (SPW-4240)
When capturing electronic leads each enquiry the customer makes is treated as a unique lead. Whilst a user with the right permissions can easily merge and find these leads in 20.11.1 we've now got a setting to automate this process.
Under Settings>Company Settings>My Company there is a new section called 'Match Leads To Similar Open Leads' (only available to AP1 users or users with Company admin role). Under this section you can set up your captured electronic leads to automatically match against the last user that had an open lead against the customer. This functionality works on leads captured via;
- Email
- Lead API
- Data API
When 'Active' any electronic captured lead will automatically be allocated to the user with the most recent open lead for that customer record. If no additional settings are completed then the following must occur in order to successfully match;
If the Ignore Yard/Source/Campaign and the Date Range Settings ARE NOT Enabled
- Newly captured lead must match and existing customer record (will automatically select the closest true match)
- Matched customer record must have at least one open lead against them (will automatically select the most recent lead by Created Date - lead can be any age if not specified
- If Yard setting is NOT set to Ignore then the lead must be in the same Yard to match
- If Source setting is NOT set to ignore then the lead must have the same source to match
- If Campaign setting is NOT set to ignore to then the lead must have the same campaign to match
- If a Date Range is NOT set to a date range then the most recent lead under that customer can have a created date of any age to match
When the rules outlined above are successfully achieved, then the newly captured lead will automatically be allocated to the user who currently owns the existing open lead. With this setting enabled the user will be able to view both leads and merge them without input from their manager. See last months release notes for Version 20.10.1
The default settings are intentionally broad to ensure we minimise any false matches. However It is also possible to be more broad about the types of leads you wish to match via the additional settings for Yard, Source, Campaign and the age of the lead.
If the Ignore Yard/Source/Campaign and the Date Range Settings ARE Enabled;
- If Yard setting is SET to Ignore then the lead can be in any yard or no yard and match
- If Source setting is SET to ignore then the lead can have any or no source and match
- If Campaign setting is SET to ignore to then the lead can have any campaign or no campaign and match
- If a Date Range is SET to a date range then the most recent lead under that customer must have a created date within the date range (i.e 30 days) in order to match
- When an automatic allocation is completed a note of this is added to the Lead History.
This functionality will work when you have a dedicated Lead Manager in - bypassing the Lead Manager and allocating the lead to the user best placed to deal with the customers enquiry. However where this setting will really come into it's own is when the dealership has Automatic Lead Allocation Rotation in place. With this setting it allocates each captured lead to a new member of the sales team on a rotating basis (read more about this functionality
Without the new 'Match Leads To Similar Open Leads' setting enabled with Auto Rotation on if a customer makes 5 email enquiries within an hour each new lead would be allocated to a different salesperson. With the new setting enabled the Auto Rotation would be bypassed and each subsequent lead will be allocated to the user who owns the latest open lead in - allowing him to view all the interactions with the customer and merge the leads as appropriate.
Automation - New Brake Setting For Lead Allocated By User (SPW-4186)
In 20.11.1 there is a new Brake setting available in AutoPlay Automation called 'Lead Allocated By User'. When set this will ensure that any automation setting will NOT trigger if the lead has been allocated to another user by another user (within or the allocation email/webpage).
The practical application of this setting would be to configure a new Automation setting with the Trigger=Lead Created, a setting for a Brake=Lead Allocated By User, and a delay of X. You can customise your warning to notify users of outstanding leads to allocate - allowing this combination of Automation settings to serve as an automatic reminder if a user has not been allocated a lead within the required timeframe.
Automation - Added 'Not Allocated' To Yards & User Settings, and 'Not Specified' to Source & Campaign Settings (SPW-4140)
In it's possible to set up automation to only trigger on leads within certain yards, leads owned by specific user, or leads from a certain source or campaign. In 20.11.1 we've made some improvements to this functionality to allow AutoPlay customers to set up Automation records for scenarios where a lead is not allocated to a user or yard, or specifically does not have a lead source or campaign. The following options are now available;
- Yards - Not Allocated
- Users - Not Allocated
- Source - Not Specified
- Campaign - Not Specified
When set the Automation setting will only trigger on any lead that is Not Allocated to a Yard or User, or does not have a specific Lead Source or Campaign. If this is added alongside other Yards, Users, Sources or Campaigns then the lead can be either mapped against a yard/user/source/campaign OR not allocated/not specified.
Customisable Appraisal UV Values - AUS ONLY (SPW-4129)
In 20.11.1 dealers can now customise the UV values they use on Appraisal Forms to indicate a value they are willing to pay above the valuation costs added against the Appraisal. There are still a default list of Appraisal UV Values which is outlined below, but the $ values for 5x, 10x, 15x etc are now customisable by dealer.
The table is accessible via Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings>Trade In UVs. At time of release it is only available to AutoPlay users - if you need the $ values changed contact
By default the UV values will use the Default Value. If a unique value is set at the dealer level this will overwrite the default for whatever X value you set. Each X value can only exist for each dealer once only. Deactivating the 'Active' flag will result in the dealers $ value for that X value rolling back to the default.
Default Dashboard Setting At User Level (SPW-4127) has always had a Default Yard setting which determines what Yard is automatically applied to any new lead created by a user if no listing is specified/yard manually selected. In 20.11.1 we've added a setting in the User screen for 'Dashboard Default Yards'. Here each user can specify the Yards they want to see on the Lead Dashboard by default. This setting can be used to specify just one or multiple yards. When the user logs in to and views the Dashboard they will automatically be filtered to the yards specified here - even if they have role management rights to view more leads these won't be visible unless filtered to.
If no 'Dashboard Default Yard(s)' are set here then your Dashboard will fall back to whatever Yard is set in the existing 'Default Yard' drop down. If this is also not set then the user will see by default leads from all the yards the user has rights to view via the Manage Leads role.
Bulk Update Users Sales Pipeline Preferences (SPW-4128)
When viewing the User list we now have the ability to set multiple users Sales Pipeline preferences en-masse - without having to go into each user record. To do so select the Multi Selection option as pictured below, select the users you want to bulk update and then click on the 'Bulk Update' function.
When clicking on the Bulk Update User option you will be given the option to keep the users existing settings, or change the settings to one specified here. This can be useful when a dealership wide decision is made to change the standard Dashboard view, or when setting up a new account or yard.
Lead Reminder Notification - Improved Audit Logging (SPW-4166)
AP1 users will now have the ability to view additional logging specifically for the SMS 'Lead Reminder Notification' role. In this role in the action menu there is a 'SMS Log' option which gives a break down of all the SMS reminders generated as a result of this role, including;
- Date SMS Created
- Date Lead Created
- Lead ID
- Phone number SMS was sent to
This information is able to be downloaded as required.
Automatically Create Calendar Events On Watching Email Response Videos (SPW-4141)
One of the functions in AutoPlay has been the ability to set a threshold when your customers watch Live Leads videos, and have it automatically trigger a follow up calendar event. In 20.11.1 we've extended that functionality to individual Email Responses to customers.
Under Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings any user who has the Lead Manager Admin role can access the menu option 'Response Settings'. Here you set a threshold of whether opening the email, or watching a set number of videos will trigger the automatic calendar event reminding the salesperson that owns the lead to follow up.
Within this screen we re able to set the following;
- Name - give your setting a easily recognizable setting name
- Type - select the type of email you want to set up a automatic response from 'Manual Response' (an email sent from AutoPlay manually by a user) 'Auto Response' (an email triggered automatically as an Auto Response) or 'Automation Emails' (any email triggered as a result of AutoPlay Automation settings. You are free to set up a setting for one or all of these types of emails
- Event Type - The setting defaults to the calendar event type 'Email Response Follow Up' but can be customised to create any type of calendar event.
- Campaign - If a lead is Closed when the email response threshold is met it can automatically create a new lead with the 'Campaign' you specified here
- Auto Follow Up On - select from 'Email Opened' or 'Video Viewed'. Email Opened will result in a calendar event being triggered as soon as the customer opens the email in the web page, whilst Video Viewed would require the video within the email to be used (Note - this setting is not appropriate if your email template does not contain a video, or contains a third party video - it only works for AutoPlay 'Silverlight' Videos and Listing MP4 Videos uploaded via AutoPlay).
- Video View Threshold - set the number of times a video needs to be viewed to trigger the follow up. The higher the setting the more you know the customer has engaged with the video. The video only needs to begin playing to record a video view.
When your customer watches the video or opens the email in a web page a calendar event will automatically create a calendar event on the lead. Note this does not automatically notify the user but they will see the calendar event in their dashboard when it's time to follow up. To bolt on a notification you can use AutoPlay Automation to select the Trigger Calendar Event Created.
In 20.11.1 you can now tag particular users within the Notes field in and they will be sent either an in App, Email or SMS notification. When the '@' key is entered an you begin typing you will see any user matching the characters you have typed who shares any Manage Leads role with you. If your list is long, the available options do narrow down as each additional character is typed.
After you have clicked on the contact to tag you can continue typing your message. Your contact will appear with the @ symbol along with their User ID and User Name within This does also work when using a mobile or tablet device but is easiest when using AutoPlay on desktop.
When you save your lead changes the alert will trigger and the recipient will receive a Email, SMS or Notification. The Notifications are controlled by whether the user has SMS, Email or Notification ticked in their 'Manage Leads' role.
If you decide you wish to change who your comment is directed to you may click on the Notification icon that appears to clear your mentions. Deleting the @ tag will remove the notification from being sent when you save your lead.
As the Notes field is one large blob of text we do not include the Notes message within the Notifications. You will need to click on the link within the Notification to view the message within You can clear the Notification by clicking on the Notification just above the Notes field, or clearing all Notifications from the Notifications popup on the Dashboard.
Write Up Accessories Lists (SPW-3586)
In 20.11.1 it's now possible to create pre-loaded lists of Accessories for your Write Up Forms. The new functionality includes;
A settings screen to add, manage and delete new Write Up Accessories
The ability to bulk upload and Manage accessories
The ability to add your pre-loaded accessories to a Write Up Form
1. Setting Up Write Up Accessories
If you have the 'Lead Manager Admin' role you will be able to see 'Write Up Accessories' under Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings>Write Up Accessories. On this screen you will see a Dashboard of all the Write Up Accessories you have loaded.
To add a new accessory you can manually load them by clicking on + in the grey action menu. Here you can enter the following information;
- Client (Available only to AutoPlay employees)
- Description - add the name of the Accessory
- Type - select from Interior, Exterior, General, Mechanical, Wheels & Tyres
- Make & Model - if the Accessories are specific to a Make and Model you can specify this here so they only show against viable vehicles
- Body Type - if the Accessories are specific to a Body Type you can specify this here so they only show against viable vehicles
- Default Cost $ - add the price of the Accessory incl GST
- Auto Apply - Tick whether you want the Accessory to automatically be added to your Write Up Form
- Active - Tick whether you want this Accessory to be available to select in your Write Up Form. If not active a Accessory will not be available to select and will not auto apply

If you need to add a large number of Accessories in one go you can upload a CSV file from Excel with your Accessories. To do so click on the MORE icon and select 'IMPORT ACCESSORIES'. If you have the file handy you can click on 'UPLOAD FILE' to immediately upload your Accessory list from your computer - this process will take a few minutes. However in order to successfully upload you MUST use a particular format. You can download the format via the 'DOWNLOAD HEADER' button.

This will open Excel with a CSV file and pre-determined headers. Here you can add in as many Accessories as you like and upload them in one go. When completing this spreadsheet you must enter the details EXACTLY as they are written in AutoPlay with regards to spelling etc. If you leave a cell blank it will be left as not specified when uploaded. Once you have your spreadsheet ready to go make sure to save it as a CSV (Comma Delimited) file and close the file or it will not upload (Note - other types of CSV files will not work - it must be CSV Comma Delimited)
ID is only used to modify existing Accessory records. If you wish to create new Accessories leave this field blank.
When you have uploaded your file the 'IMPORT' button will activate and you can import your accessory list. This will schedule your Accessories to be imported which may take a few minutes (up to 30 minutes maximum) depending on the size of the file. You will receive an email when this has processed. If you are still on the Accessories screen in you will need to refresh.
2. Bulk Updating Your Write Up Accessories
To edit your Accessories just click on an individual record and you will be able to change the naming, categorization or deactivate/activate. If you have a large list you can click on the multi select icon next to the keyword search. This will result in check boxes appearing next to each of your Accessories. You can select individual accessories one-by-one or click on the Select All icon to choose all filtered to accessories.
When you have made your selection click on the 'Bulk Manage Accessories' option on the top right.
When Bulk Managing your Accessories you can do several things;
- Make all selected records Inactive/Active (leaving as No Change will result in no change to the status)
- Make all selected records Auto Apply On/Off (leaving as No Change will result in this setting remaining unchanged)
- Delete all selected records (leaving as No Change will not delete the Accessories)
It is also possible to update your Accessories using the Import Accessories function. The easiest way to do so is to click 'DOWNLOAD LIST'. This will give you a file in the correct format showing all the accessories you have loaded previously. This will open in a new tab to view and you will need to download it as pictured below.
Your computer will automatically save the file as a XLSX file that you can open in Excel. This is the same Header format you can download to start from scratch, but if you have downloaded the file it will contain all the AutoPlay Accessory ID's in the ID column. With the AutoPlay ID you can update the existing record. If you enter an unrecognized ID your Accessory will not be loaded, so please make sure that you only use the ID's for your records. If you remove an ID then it will create a new Accessory in addition to your existing record.
3. Adding Accessories To Your Write Up Form
If you have set some Accessories to 'Auto Apply' then those Accessories will be automatically added to your Write Up Form when it is first created (assuming it is set for the correct Make, Model and Body Type).
To add Accessories you can click on 'ADD' and start typing. Once you have typed 3 letter it will present you with all the Accessories you have pre-loaded that match. It has been done this way so that it is still possible to manually type an new Accessory from here if you require. This search will pick up any sequential letters that appear in the Accessory. In the example below typing "Aft" and "Spo" will both return 'Aftermarket Spoiler'. The search is not case sensitive.
If you have multiple listings on your Write Up you will see multiple Accessory sections to add the right Accessory to the right Vehicle. The only available Accessories will be those that are Active and with the correct Make, Model and Body Type if specified.
Create Lead From Standalone Appraisal (SPW-4196)
When viewing a Standalone Appraisal created via 'Vehicle Appraisals' you can now click on the + icon in the action menu to create a new lead from your standalone Appraisal. You can only see the + button if;
- The Appraisal is NOT attached to a lead already
- The user has the Manage Leads role
If these conditions are met then the user will be able to create a lead from the existing Appraisal. As the customer information has already been captured all that is required is to add the 'Type', 'Source', 'Campaign' and 'Listing' to the new lead. Once your lead is created the Appraisal Form will be appended to your lead.
Added New Date Type Filter To The Vehicle Registry (SPW-4168)
The Vehicle Registry now has a new filter for Date Type which allows users to sort the Vehicle Registry by the type of date that is most relevant to them. The options are;
- Updated Date (Default) - the date the Test Drive/Loan Car has been updated
- Created Date - the date the Test Drive/Loan Car has been created
- Start Date - the date the Test Drive/Loan Car was scheduled to start
- End Date - the date the Test Drive/Loan Car was scheduled to end (or was completed)
Within the User screen it is now also possible for users to set their preferences on how they want to view the Vehicle Registry by default. The options are;
- Test Drive Status Default - view by default Uncompleted, Completed, In Progress or Overdue Test Drive/Loan Cars
- Test Drive Type Default - choose from Test Drives or the different types of Loan Car options (Service, Employee, Sponsorship etc)
- Date Type - choose from Updated Date, Created Date, Start Date and End Date
- Display Date - select the date range you want to default to (All, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, Custom)
Added Audits To Yard List, User List, Role Management List and Lead Management List (SPW-3658)
In 20.11.1 AP1 users, and user with the Audit role are able to view Audit logs on the Yard List, User List, Role Management List and Lead Management List. The Audit button is located in the top right under the 3 dots on each respective page.
Previously AutoPlay had the ability to Audit individual records in these screens (i.e when a individual user, yard, role or lead management record was edited). This is still possible when drilling down to an individual record, but the new Audit allows the viewing of all records within the list screen - making it easier to see when records were added, edited or deleted in one exportable view. The Audit screen will display;
- Yard ID
- Yard Name
- Type - Created, Edited, Deleted
- Date & Time
- User (User that has been edited)
- User ID
- User Name
- Type - Created, Edited, Deleted
- Date & Time
- User (User that made the edit)
Role Management
- Role ID
- Role Name
- Role
- Type - Created, Edited, Deleted
- Date & Time
- User
Lead Management
- Type - Created, Edited, Deleted
- Date & Time
- User
The Audit will only give us the Audit History for any record created, edited or deleted AFTER 1st December 2020. For more in depth details about what is changed within individual records (such as setting or value changes) use the Audit on the specific record you are viewing.
Splitting Role Notifications (SPW-3962)
For the last few sprints AutoPlay has been working on tidying up some of our Role Notifications in order to more easily manage which customers receive notifications and alerts, and by what channel (In app notifications, email notifications or sms notifications). In 20.11.1 we've finished this project by wrapping up the last few roles that required review, and running through a full test of all notifications.
- Test Drive Kiosk
- Vehicle Wishlist & Email
- Live Leads
- Send Lead And Appraisal SMS
- Possible Duplicate Lead Warning
- In Market Leads
- Overdue Test Drive Notification
Assorted Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed issue with AutoPlay Rewards reconciliation report where certain reward groups were excluded from CSV (SPW-4021)
- Built out AutoPlay Rewards KPI for Average Response Time (SPW-3874)
- Finished development on setting Maximum and Minimum thresholds for KPI's within AutoPlay Rewards (SPW-3873)
- Fixed display bug with Default Yard not showing on Users dashboard screen if selected yard is a 'brochureware' yard (SPW-4169)
- Fixed issue with error message appearing when creating Standalone Appraisals (SPW-4247)
- Retested issue with visibility of Matching Appraisals in an account (SPW-4265)
- Changed functionality to redirect the user to an individual lead when completing Appraisal Offers (SPW-4191)
- Fixed issue with the Live Leads screen not appearing after saving a email, and then adding additional vehicles (SPW-4162)
- Fixed bug preventing saving the Vehicle Appraisal Form when signing the COVID check, but then not checking the COVD check box (SPW-4176)
- Active/Inactive filter not working on Lead Source dashboard (SPW-4279)
- Removed custom Date Range option from showing in a report where it is not available (SPW-4116)
- Test Drive/Appraisal etc records on Deleted Leads will not be visible by default on the Vehicle Registry or Vehicle Appraisal screens. There is now an option to filter by records on Deleted Leads via the 'Any Lead Status' filter. This is available to AP1 users as well as dealership users (SPW-4155)
- Internal change to now append the contents of a captured email when an AutoPlay Audit is completed (AutoPlay only) (SPW-3960)
- Fixed bug when adding listings that was forcing Yard selections even in accounts with no yards (SPW-4284)
- Added any SMS Notifications generated out of via automations or system alerts to SMS List Screen - giving users one place to view all SMS sent within their account alongside Inbound and Outbound SMS (SPW-4280)