When creating new leads manually in AutoPlayAuto.com, when loading leads against customer records if they have any other leads loaded against them it will clearly display this to users. However when electronic leads are captured we have received feedback that it is not always clear that the customer may have other open leads.
As of 20.10.1 AutoPlayAuto.com now has a function to alert a user when a customer record already has open leads against them (electronically captured or manually loaded). These leads may legitimately be separate leads so are not labelled as 'Duplicate Leads'. Instead you will see a warning in the Customer field for 'Multiple Open Leads'. This will ONLY display when that specific customer has leads against them. In instances where two very similar leads fail to match against the same customer record for any reason, the 'Multiple Open Leads' warning will not display. To turn this on the user must be part of the 'Possible Duplicate Leads' role. If you do not want to receive an notifications but still want the warning in AutoPlayAuto.com you can add the role with the users you wish to add, but remove any Email, SMS or Notification from the role.
Opening the Lead will give the user a much more obvious warning strip which tells them that this customer may have multiple open leads against them. At this point the user can;
1. VIEW - clicking on 'View' will open a popup detailing the matching leads
2. DISMISS - clicking on 'Dismiss' will hide the warning for the logged in user for the remainder of the session
3. DO NOT SHOW ME THIS AGAIN - clicking on 'Do not show me this again' will hide the warning for the user forever - even after logging out
When clicking on 'VIEW" a window will appear detailing all the currently open leads loaded against this customer - regardless of who owns the lead. To merge leads you must also have the Merge Leads role set up. When this role is set up there will be a selection icon next to the title on the popup.
Clicking on this will enable the user to select all leads via the tick icon, or select the leads you want to merge manually. Whilst you may see leads owned by other users on this screen you will only be able to merge leads that you own, or have manager rights to edit via the Manage Leads role. When you have selected multiple leads click on 'Merge' to merge the two leads.
When you click on Merge there will be one lead that will be retained, and another that will be merged into the original lead. You can swap the priority via the green 'SWAP' button. To find out more about Merging Leads click
The similar open leads warning can be useful when combined with the new functionality added in 20.11.1 to match electronic leads for the same customer, to the original lead owner. With this setting enabled the user can identify, manage and merge leads as appropriate. You can read more about merging duplicate/similar leads