How To Merge Two Leads into One
On occasion a dealer can have two Leads for the same customer. So we have introduced a function where you can select a maximum of two leads and merge them into one.
On the Dashboard, click the 'Multi-Select' Icon ('Multiple Ticks' on the Grey Action Menu Bar) and select the two leads you wish to Merge. Then click 'Merge Leads' from the 'More' menu.
The 'Merge Leads' pop-up will display. The top lead will become the 'kept' lead, and the bottom lead will be 'merged'. The customer and lead details will be retained on the the kept lead, and not copied across from the merged Lead. But all other information, Listing, Communication, Calendar Events (open and closed), Test Drives, Appraisal, Write-Ups and Wishlists are all removed from the merged lead and copied across to the kept lead.
The merged lead is then put into a closed lost status with the default Close Reason of 'Duplicate/Loaded in Error'. This Close Reason ensures the merged lead is not included NOT included in any reporting (except raw Lead Audits etc). Selecting any other Close Reason will still merge the original lead, but the lead will still be counted in any AutoPlay Reporting.
When merging leads the Lead History popup on both leads will reflect the fact the leads were merged.
An audit record is created for both leads to show the leads have been merged.
In addition the Closed Lead will also reference to the Lead that has been Merged To. The screenshot below shows an excerpt from lead ID 4869521 that was closed and merged with lead ID 4702046.
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