Managing Email Templates

Managing Email Templates

If you are able to work with CSS/HTML AutoPlay can open access to the Email Templates screen.  You can navigate to this screen via Settings>Email Settings>Email Templates.  You can only access this screen if you have the 'Manage Email Templates' role enabled.  Click  HERE to read more about this role.

You can search your Email Templates via;
  1. Keyword search -  searches ID, Type, Client, Name and User Fields
  2. Status -Any, Current or Archived
  3. Type of Email Template (Email Response, Live Lead, Email Campaign, System, Video Link, Assistance Request or Report).  The default is 'All' but typically most customers will only be working with 'Email Response', 'Live Lead' and 'Email Campaign' templates)
The templates you see within this screen are only those that have your name, or are set for 'Any User'.  You will be able to access and edit these templates as required by clicking on each record.  You can click on the 'Download' icon in the grey action menu to export a list of all the Email Templates you have access to.

To create a new Email Template click on the  + button in the grey action menu, and begin creating your Email Template.

1.  Settings
  1. Type - If your template is to be used in individual communication with customers select the 'Email Response' version.  If you are intending to use your email for bulk emails choose the 'Email Campaign' or 'Live Leads' Type.  'Live Leads' Type will ensure you can add multiple videos to your email.  This is a compulsory field.
  2. Make - If you want the template only to apply to certain Makes select one from the drop down
  3. Model -If you want the template only to apply to certain Models select one from the drop down 
  4. Name - Give your Email Template a name - this will appear on the Email Templates dashboard, and anywhere that you might select that template (i.e. in Email and Email Campaign screens).

2.  Details
  1. No Audio - If you want your template to load Listing photos instead of displaying a video by default tick the 'No Audio' checkbox
  2. Use Modules - If your template is going to use 'Modules' tick this option.  See MODULES for more information.
  3. Archived - If you want to remove the template from being visible in your Email Template drop downs you can Archive it.  Unlike deleting the template this will be still be editable in 'Email Templates' and can be reactivated as required.
  4. Supports True Video - allows 2 types of videos to be created - 'stitched together audio and images, and true MP4 videos.  If your template needs to include true MP4 videos make sure to check the 'Supports True Video' check box.

3.  Users
  1. To Select Users click on the 'EDIT' button in the User section.  The users you choose here will be the only users that are able to see the Email Template in any 'Email Template' drop-down, and use it in their Email Responses, Standard Responses or Auto Responses.  You can select All Users, or individual users as required.

4.  Yards
  1. To Select Yards click on the 'EDIT' button in the Yard section.  The Yards you choose here will be the only Yards that are able to use the Email Template in any.  This means that the template will be unavailable to use on a lead if the Yard is not set up against the template, and will not be selectable as the template in the Standard Responses or Auto Responses screens.  You can select All Yards, or individual Yards as required.

5.  Images
  1. To add images to your email template click on 'EDIT' in the 'Images' section.  You can then give each image a name. and upload a png or jpg image.  Any images you add will be assigned a unique ID which you can view by clicking on the 'EDIT' button.  The image ID can then be referenced in your email template in the 'Main Template' section as "BODY_IMAGE_XXX" to pull it through to your email. 
  2. You can also click on the grey action menu header to access your template Images.

6.  Modules
  1. Email Templates can be built with special 'Modules' that allow for custom functionality.  For more information on Modules click HERE.

7.  Email
  1. Default Transition - If your Email Template contains videos you can set a Default Transition to be 'Default', 'None', 'Pan', 'Pan Down', 'Pan Left', 'Pan Right', 'Pan Up', 'Zoom', 'Zoom In', 'Zoom Out'
  2. From - Text field that controls which details appear in the From field in customers inbox (From on behalf of Name<Email>)
  3. Email - The Email address the template is sent from  (From on behalf of Name<Email>)
  4. CC - The CC field will automatically CC the email address in this field whenever the template is used
  5. BCC - The BCC field will automatically BCC the email address in this field whenever the template is used
  6. Width - The pixel width of the email template
  7. Height - The pixel height of the template
  8. Subject Line - Type in a Subject Line which will populate automatically when sending an email
  9. CSS Styling - The CSS Styling affects the overall look of the email
  10. Main Template - This field is where the email can be built with HTML.  To give yourself more space to manage the code you can drag the bottom right corner of the 'Main Template' field.
  11. Image Width - Image Width in pixels controls the width of the Listing Images
  12. Image Height - Image Height in pixels controls the height of the Listing Images
  13. Item Template - used to control the styling of the video elements in your email
  14. Listing/Row - controls how many rows of listings display in your Live Leads email templates.  Rows are lines of 3 vehicles.
  15. Display As Image - checkbox that will display your Live Leads content as images instead of videos
  16. Item Image Width - in pixels controls the width of the Item Images
  17. Item Image Height - in pixels controls the height of the Item Images
  18. Record ID - the ID automatically assigned to your email template
  19. Created - The date the Email Template was created
  20. Updated - The date the Email Template was last Updated

  1. At the bottom of the screen you will see a 'SAVE' button if your template has not been saved.  You will also see a 'PREVIEW' button to see how your email looks in a webpage.  There is also a 'CLOSE' button to return to the Email Templates dashboard.

9.  Duplicate Template
  1. Once Saved you can click on 'MORE' in the grey action menu to Duplicate your template.  This will open your new template to modify as required, and leave your original template unchanged.  You must rename and save your new template to keep the duplicate.

10.  Delete
  1. You can Delete your Email Template from the 'MORE' menu.  Note - once Deleted you cannot retrieve the email template so if you are unsure - it is safer to Archive.  If you have sent an email using the Deleted Template it will revert back to the default for your account.

11.  Audit
  1. If you have the Audit role you can click on 'Audit' to view a history of all the changes to the email template.

12.  Reply To

We have now added a 'Reply To’ field in the Email Template screen.  This is a text field to add email addresses for certain email templates to ensure that for every email sent using that particular template, the customers reply email could be sent to the nominated email addresses.  This is just the actual email reply – not Notifications or the captured reply.
  1. Having it as a text field ensures it does not have to be a user in AutoPlay
  2. It would handle multiple email addresses – unlike the From which needs to be sent from one user
  3. The reply to could reply to the From User by default, but if an email is entered into the Reply To field it would send to them instead
  4. This is distinct and separate from where the reply is captured to on the lead within AutoPlay – which goes to the current lead owner
  5. This is distinct and separate from the Notifications which go to the current lead owner, and depending on the setting can go to the lead owners managers (James is going to walk you through this).

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