How To Use The Vehicle Registry

How To Use The Vehicle Registry

The 'Vehicle Registry' is a screen that shows all of the vehicles that have either been taken for a Test Drive, or have been loaned out using a Loan Car Form.  This allows dealerships to view in one place where all of their vehicles are at any one time, and to look back historically to review who had the vehicle if any speeding tickets or other fines are incurred.

The 'Vehicle Registry' can be navigated to via Listings>Vehicle Registry, and is accessible to all users.  
  1. If you have the Manage Leads role only you will see only Test Drives within this screen.  If you are a salesperson you will only see your own records, whilst a Manager will see the Test Drives created by any user they manager in the Manage Leads role.
  2. If you have the Loan Vehicle role you will see any Loan Vehicle Forms created by users in the yards you have rights to view.

By default the 'Vehicle Registry' shows records created by any User, any Status and any Type that were created this month.  You can search using the keyword to search the following fields;
  1. Vehicle Stock No
  2. Vehicle Rego
  3. Vehicle Year
  4. Vehicle Make
  5. Vehicle Model
  6. Vehicle Variant
  7. Lead ID
  8. Test Drive ID
  9. Loan Vehicle Form ID
  10. Customer Name
  11. Salesperson

To change your search filters click on the 'Show/hide advanced search filters' option as pictured above and adjust your filters accordingly.
  1. Users - you can filter by one or more users using the keyword searchable drop down 
  1. Lead Status - you can filter by the status of the lead the Test Drive or Loan Car Form is attached to
    1. Open Leads
    2. Closed Leads Won
    3. Closed Leads Lost
    4. Deleted Leads
    5. No Lead Attached (used if the Test Drive or Loan Car Form was completed as a standalone form)
  1. Status - you can filter your Test Drives and Loan Car Forms by whether they are in progress or complete
    1. Uncompleted (completed flag false, start time not passed)
    2. In Progress (completed flag false, start time passed, end time not passed
    3. Overdue (aka Scheduled for pickup) (completed flag false, start time passed, end time passed)
    4. Completed (completed flag true, start/end time have no impact)
  1. Sanitised/Not Sanitised - Used to filter if the vehicle has been cleaned if using the COVID-19 features
  1. Insurance - Used to filter between forms where the Insurance Waiver has or has not been accepted (note - Insurance waiver is separate to normal TD/Loan Car T&C's)
  1. Type - you can filter by Test Drive or any of the Loan Vehicle types ('Service', 'Employee', 'Sponsorship', 'Client', 'Supplier' or 'Press').  Note the Loan Vehicle types are universal for all dealerships.  If you need one added please submit a request to 
  1. Date Range - you can search by the date the Test Drive or Loan Vehicle Form was created
  1. Updated Date - you can filter the type of date you want to filter your Vehicle Registry by.  Default is Updated Date
    1. Updated Date - the last date the form has been modified
    2. Created Date - the date the form was first created
    3. Start Date - the date the TD or Loan Car was scheduled to commence
    4. End Date - the date the TD/Loan Car was scheduled to end

Once you have filtered to see all the Test Drive and Loan Vehicle records you want, you can 'Download' these to an Excel CSV using the 'Download' button in the grey action menu.

If you have the Loan Car role you will see a + icon in the action menu.  Clicking on this button will enable you to load a new Loan Car Form.  Please note you cannot load a Test Drive record without first creating a lead, but Loan Vehicle forms are able to be created standalone.  To find out more about creating Loan Car Forms click HERE.

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