Avanser Call Capture

Avanser Call Capture

With AutoPlay Call Capture it's never been easier or more cost effective to capture your leads directly to your Sales Pipeline.  With the ability to provision anywhere from 1 to 100 call tracking numbers AutoPlay have taken away some of the barriers to capturing phone leads.  
  • Many dealers estimate that between 30% to 40% of their leads originate from phone leads (Avanser)
  • 61% of mobile searches result in a phone call (Google)
  • Phone calls generate 10-12 times more conversions than lead forms (Linked In)
  • Phone calls have 30% to 50% conversion to sales vs 20% average (MarTech)
  • Auto Dealers miss 23% of inbound phone calls.  On average 37% of those calls are sales leads, and 33% of them will convert to a sale (Martech)

Call Capture is an add on the the Sales Pipeline that allows dealerships, groups and OEM's to automatically capture inbound dealership phone calls as leads directly to their Sales Pipeline dashboard.  This service is a collaboration between Avanser and AutoPlay (with Avanser capturing the phone leads and supplying to AutoPlay via API).  

Call Capture allows dealers to set up as many unique numbers as they want, which can then be attributed to specific marketing campaigns to allow the dealership to track ROI more effectively.  In addition capturing the call details and audio directly to AutoPlay ensures no leads are lost, and there is full transparency around dealership activity.  

Once provisioned, any desired phone lead can be captured to AutoPlay Sales Pipeline Dashboard.   All leads are mapped as
- Lead Type = Phone
- Lead Source = Avanser
- Lead Campaign = Mapped to campaigns via Adsource Name if available

When viewing a Call Capture lead in AutoPlay you can see the following fields if available (must be provisioned against the number in Avanser);
  1. Caller Number - the number of the person making the phone call to the dealership.  Where possible, this number will be used to match to an existing customer record in AutoPlay
  2. Location - whether they called from a landline or mobile
  3. Call Received - date the call was captured to Avanser - note there might be a minute or two delay before the lead arrives in AutoPlay
  4. Number Called - the phone number that the customer called.  This represents the number that was provisioned with Avanser
  5. Answered Number - the phone number that the call is routed to
  6. Call ID - Avansers unique Call ID.  Used in troubleshooting
  7. Landing Page - if enabled will show the web page the call originated from
  8. Ad Source Name - this is the campaign assigned to each of your unique numbers.  This field is used to both map to the appropriate Yard, but also map to the appropriate Lead Campaign in AutoPlay
  9. Medium - the channel where this call originated (i.e PPC, Organic etc)
  10. Keywords - any keywords associated with your Avanser number
  11. Call Tags - Call Tags can be used in lieu of Adsource Name to map Yards if they need to be different for any reason

It is also possible to listen to a recording of the call captured by Avanser.  This can be effective in event of dispute, fact checking and as a tool to ensure consistent customer service and provide coaching to your sales team.  

Within AutoPlay it is possible to add some specific Call Notes if desired as well as record a Call Outcome.  

There are two types of calls that AutoPlay can capture from Avanser - Answered and Unanswered.  When a call is Answered it will show as such in the 'Time Since Call Recieved' field.  However when a Unanswered Call is captured we will instead provide a counter of how long it has been since that call was missed.  

When enbaled 'Sentiment Score' will provide insights into how the call went based on AI analysis.  Note this is an additional charge with Avanser and in most cases disabled via Role Management settings.  

Leads can be routed to the desired YARD by using either Adsource Names or Tags in Avanser (both of which can be set up against your Avanser number when it is provisioned).  This can be set up in the Yards screen within AutoPlay.  It's important this step is followed as without it, no leads will be ingested to AutoPlay.  

It is also possible to route Answered Calls directly to the correct User in AutoPlay instead of assigning to the Lead Manager for the yard.  To do this enable the User Pin and Generate one for each Salesperson.  If the user already has one for Kiosk etc, this can be reused.  

At the end of the call, once the customer hangs up the salesperson will hear a short message prompting them to add their 4 digit User Pin.  When entered this is fed back to AutoPlay and allows the mapping of that lead directly to the corresponding User in AutoPlay Sales Pipeline.    Note the user does NOT have to press # or any other key.  Simply press the 4 digit code and they will be played a success message, after which they can hang up.  The lead will then take a couple of minutes to appear in AutoPlay.  It is import

There are several steps involved in setting up and provisioning Call Capture via Avanser including;
- Provisioning API record
- Provisioning Lead Import record
- Provisioning Avanser Call Capture Role Management settings
- Creating Yard 'DMS Portal' mappings
- Creating Source campaigns to map to
- Setting up User Pin's to enable Call Wrap Up (mapping leads to the right user).  

For detailed instructions on setting up Avanser Call Capture please read https://support.autoplayauto.com/portal/en/kb/articles/avanser-call-capture-how-to-provision 

FAQ Re Avanser Call Capture

  • If the dealership wants to continue to own the phone number if they cancel can this be transferred?
    Yes it can, there will be a Port Out Charge  from Avanser of $50.00.

  • In a scenario above where a dealer has previously used Avanser, transferred the number and now want to use this service again can they bring their number or does it have to be a brand new one rented from Avanser?
    Yes, can bring the number back in to Avanser.  They will charge $100.00. (If they then want to Port Out the same number at a later date there will be no charge). Alternatively, Avanser just supply them with a new number in the normal way.

  • If a dealer wants to bring their own number can they port this in to Avanser?
    Yes, it’s treated the same as the scenario above where the dealer needs to pay $100.00 to have it ported in. 

  • If they leave and relinquish that number is it then opened up to be available to other companies using Avanser services?
    Avanser quarantine the numbers for 6 months. After this time the number is available to be used again.

  • For unanswered calls that then get diverted to a mobile number can you confirm these are still tracked and recorded as long as the number called was the tracking number?
    Yes, the call is tracked and recoded until the caller hangs up.

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