How To Add Reconditioning Costs To Your Appraisal/Trade In

How To Add Reconditioning Costs To Your Appraisal/Trade In

In it is possible to add reconditioning items to your Appraisal Form.  If the vehicle is damaged and will require remedial work to get it to a retail standard your can detail this transparently for the customer via the Reconditioning section.  Clicking on the 'ADD' button will enable you to enter reconditioning items.  You can enter;
  1. Description - choose from 'Panel & Paint', 'Windscreen', 'Interior', 'Tyres', 'Mechanical', 'Grooming'.  These categories are pre-set and not customisable on a per dealer basis.
  2. Condition - choose from 'Poor', 'Fair', 'Average', 'Good', 'Excellent'
  3. $ Value - free text field to add the costs involved in the reconditioning work
  4. Delete - click on the rubbish bin icon to remove the reconditioning item from your Appraisal Form

If you wish to itemise each of your reconditioning sections you can do so by clicking on the triangle icon next to each line, then clicking on the green + icon that appears.  You can add unlimited reconditioning items by adding a 'Name' (use this to describe the work required), and a '$ Value'.  As soon as you add itemised reconditioning costs it will automatically overwrite the value for each section (i.e 'Panel & Paint').

The sum total of the reconditioning items will be added to your valuation calculations within the Valuation section in the 'Less Reconditioning $' section.

It's now possible to add the tread depth for each of the Tyre's on the vehicle you are appraising.  There is a separate section labelled 'Tyre's'.  Clicking into the field will allow you to choose from 'Right Front', 'Left Front', 'Right Rear' and "Left Rear', and 'Spare'.  However you can also free type if you want to record additional information.  The Tyre tread will NOT automatically appear on the printable PDF version of your Appraisal Form.  If you wish to add it to your form contact and we will add this to your template.

It is also possible to record your reconditioning items via a "splat" graphic on your Appraisal Form.  To record damage against a vehicle you can click/tap on the area of the car with the damage.  This will mark-up the splat graph with a red 'X', and will automatically open the 'Reconditioning Item' popup.  On the 'Reconditioning Item' popup you can add a Description, Condition, and $ Value, as well as itemising each specific reconditioning item as per the screenshot below.  Any reconditioning items you add here will be automatically copied across to the Reconditioning section on the main part of the Appraisal Form.  Click HERE to find out more about how to use the splat graph functionality.

The Splat graphic is available on the default printed PDF appraisal forms.  This includes any markups added within on the graphic to indicate damage.  The Splat graphic has been added automatically to the default Appraisal Form.  If you do not see this, then it means you have a customised version of the form and you will need to contact AutoPlay to add this to your specific template.  If your custom form has already been created and you are not changing anything else then you will not be charged to add the Splat graphic.

Its also possible to add customisable, pre-set Appraisal Reconditioning values to your account.  With pre-set Reconditioning Costs you can tap on the itemised costs in order to easily populate pre-set categories/types and values.  Click HERE to find out more about setting up Reconditioning Costs

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