Company Settings
Role Management - Sold Vehicle Status
AutoPlay now has the ability to force a sales person to enter a Sold Vehicle Status on a lead to indicate where that sold vehicle is. Once this role is enabled it will allow several configurable's to be selected Make - Select the Brands that this ...
Role Management - Lead Expected Registration Date
In 21.2.1 we added the ability to add Expected Registration Date to your leads. To add the field we've created a role called 'Lead Expected Registration Date'. The role is an account wide, Dealer level role which enables the Expected Registration ...
Users - Setting Preferences On Vehicle Registry View
Within the User screen it is possible for users to set their preferences on how they want to view the Vehicle Registry by default. The options are; Test Drive Status Default - View by default Uncompleted, Completed, In Progress or Overdue Test ...
Bulk Update Users Sales Pipeline Preferences
When viewing the User list we now have the ability to set multiple users Sales Pipeline preferences en-masse - without having to go into each user record. To do so select the Multi Selection option as pictured below, select the users you want to bulk ...
Role Management - Possible Duplicate Lead Alert
Hand in hand with the new function to highlight 'View Similar Leads' and merge them is the existing Possible Duplicate Lead Warning. Previously this was available only as an email notification and only triggered on manually loaded leads. As of ...
Role Management - Redbook Australia Role
It is now possible to complete a Redbook Vehicle lookup from within AutoPlay. This is not available by default - please contact to request access. The functionality is controlled by a role called 'Redbook Australia'. Role ...
Role Management - Lead Reminder Notification
The Lead Reminder Notification role is for setting up reminders when new leads are received. Historically AutoPlay had a invisible setting in the Lead Management screens which triggered alerts when leads were not actioned. However this setting was ...
Role Management - Managing Notifications
Splitting Role Notifications In 20.8.1 we improved the way Notifications are handled within selected roles. Where previously in app Notifications, Email and SMS notifications were controlled via a single 'Notifications' check box we've now added ...
Role Management - Test Drive Kiosk
The Test Drive Kiosk Role is specifically for the Test Drive Kiosk user. The kiosk user must exist in this role and be marked as Manager. All other users listed will be used to populate the User dropdown on the New Lead screen. This allows the ...
Creating User In Bulk Via Bulk Import Function
Setting up new users when on-boarding a new dealership customer can be time consuming. In 20.6.1 we now have the ability to bulk upload users for AP1 users or dealer users with the User Admin role. When viewing the 'My Users' screen click on the ...
Role Management - Visitor Book
The Visitor Book Role Management Settings The Visitor Book is controlled via a new 'Visitor Book' role. As of 12/05/20 this role was provisioned for all AutoPlay Sales Pipeline accounts. Setting up the role creates a 'Visitor Book' menu item to ...
Role Management - RIPA API Push
RIPA are a website portal that AutoPlay have an agreement to send Appraisal and Listing data to. The Appraisals are triggered to be sent to RIPA on the Appraisal Form, whilst listings can be triggered from the View Listing screen. To have access to ...
Bulk Password Reset
To facilitate the ability to do a Bulk Password Reset on a Dealers account, the following change has been made. The 'User List' screen now has the ability to bulk select. The 'multi-select' icon now displays next to the keyword search. On click of ...
Settings - My Company
If you are a manager in the Company Admin role you will be able to edit the screen as desired. 1. Details Company Name - What do you want your account to be called. Note this can be pulled through to emails, Standard Text & Response via the ...
Dealer Group Type - Dealer Hub
A Dealer Group can only be created by AutoPlay staff, from the Client Admin/Dealer Groups list screen. Click the '+' icon to create a new Dealer Group or Select an existing group. Initially the Details section only will display, on select of Type ...
Role Management - Hub Yard Manager
The Hub Yard Management role is designed for Group accounts where there is a need to view leads across various Yards(locations) within a Group. For the Hub Yard Management role to work there is a dependancy on creating a Dealer Group Type - Dealer ...
Role Management - Close Lost Mandatory Fields
The Close Lost Mandatory Fields role allows Dealers to set fields as mandatory when setting a Lead to Close Lost. The 'Role Attributes' define what fields will be mandatory. As at March 2020 the only field is the 'Closed Notes' field. The Make ...
Assigning a Role Group to a User
Select the User you want to add a Role Group to from Company Settings/My Users The Roles section includes a drop-down field 'Role Group' Select the Group If roles already exist on the User a prompt will appear 'This User already has Role Management ...
Role Groups
Overview 'Role Groups' have been created to allow users to group roles together enabling these roles to be assigned to a User at the single click of a button. For example Sales Managers can have a seperate group of Roles to that of a Sales Person. ...
Managing Roles from the User Screen
Users with the 'Role Manager Admin' and the 'User Admin' see the Role section on the 'User' screen. This shows the Roles that the user has been assigned to, including those where they are set to Manager. Those Users flagged as 'Manager' will ...
Creating a User
If you have the User Admin role you can set up new users via the My Users screen. If you have the right role you will see a + button in the grey Action menu. Remember that setting up a user is only half the equation - you also need to make sure ...
Role Management - Role Manager Admin
Role Overview Users in this role will have access to the'Role Management' and the 'Role Groups' screens in Company Settings. This will provide Users with the ability to see what Roles have been assigned to the Dealer. On opening the record, you ...
Deleting Roles from Dealer
From the Role Management List screen (Company Settings/Role Management), select the Role you wish to delete from the Dealer, and open the Role From the 'Edit Client Role' screen, access the More menu from the Grey Action bar, and select the Delete ...
Managing Roles
Managing Roles is done by navigating form the LHS menu bar to the Company Settings/Role Management screen. Open or Create New Role If the Role does not already exist on the Dealership or you require a different configuration for an existing Role, ...
Role Management Overview
Role Management is available for Autoplay Users and users who are assigned to the 'Role Manager Admin' role. Managers can add or remove users to the Role, Non-Managers have view only access. Not all Roles can be administered to users with the ...
My Company - Re-apply Defaults
There are default settings for a Company which include; Roles Contact Groups Privacy Channels Reconditioning Items These are re-applied by Autoplay staff only. Navigate to the My Company screen from the settings section. From the More menu select ...
Role Management - Group Account Visibility
Offer To Dealer Group A new Group Type has been added - 'Group Type Visibility'. When Dealers are added to this Group Type they will be able to See Appraisals logged by each Dealer within that Group and if bidding is enabled then Users will be able ...
Role Management - SMS Campaigns
As of 19.4 it is possible to send a Live Leads or Email Campaign via SMS. The SMS Campaigns screen only becomes visible when the 'SMS Campaign' role is enabled. The role is a User level role that enables Users to see the SMS Campaign menu button ...
Role Management - Closed Won Notification
A new role has been added “Receive Closed Lead as Won Notification'. This is a Yard based role. Any users added to the role, will receive a notification of any leads that are set to ‘Close Won’ for the specified yards. The notification will include ...
Role Management - Display Dealer Group Leads
If you run a large dealership Group and have permission to do so AutoPlay can set up the 'Display Dealer Group Leads' role in Role Management. This role adds a 'Dealership' drop down to the Lead Dashboard. The Group head office can then view basic ...
Role Management - Standalone Appraisal Form
If you have the 'Standalone Appraisal' role enabled you can create Appraisal Forms via the 'Vehicle Appraisal' screen without being attached to a lead. 1. If the user has the Standalone Appraisal Form role they will see a + from the Appraisal ...
Role Management - Group Reporting By Make
New Role - 'Group Reporting By Make' The new role set by AP1 only for 'Group Reporting By Make'. This will be a role with no yards, no Managers but will allow multiple Makes to be selected. The role is for Group parent accounts only. The role will ...
Role Management - Privacy Enhanced
In order to expand to the UK we've made a number of changes to become GDPR compliant. The first step in this journey is to improve the way we manage signing the Privacy Policy and specifying which channels customers have agreed to be communicated ...
Role Management - Direct Upload Listings
As a user with the role 'Direct Upload Listings' added to the account I will be able to view and click on the 'ImportListings' button. If the account does not have the role the button is not visible. As an AP#1 user I see the Import Listings button ...
Role Management - Privacy Disclaimer
Dealer level role. Enables the following: 1. Privacy Disclaimer section on Company Details screen. 2. Privacy Disclaimer section on Yard Details screen. 3. Privacy Disclaimer Email Type on Standard Response screen. 4. When a new lead is created ...
Role Management - Customer Profile Role
Enables Customer Profile screens on Customer Detail screen. The Customer Profile screen can also be added via the Lead Manager Admin Role.
Role Management - Manage KPI Targets
The Manage KPI Targets role enables the Dealership KPI Targets, Yard KPI Targets, Salesperson KPI Targets, Lead Sources and screens under Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings. (Note Campaign visibility is controlled by the Lead Manager Role) If the User ...
Role Management - Custom Lead Sources
Dealer-level role. If assigned to dealer then their lead source list will ONLY be records created for them or the dealer group that they belong to. You can now have custom Lead Sources. Works in the following way; New Role called CUSTOM LEAD SOURCE ...
Role Management - Email Campaign
User level role that enables Users to see the Email Campaign menu button under Emails>Email Campaigns and the corresponding screen. If ticked as Manager the user can see all campaigns. If not ticked as Manager the user can only see their own Email ...
Role Management - Yard Admin
If a User does not have the Yard Admin role at all they cannot see My Yards. If a User has the Yard Admin role they can view the list of Yards but cannot edit anything. If the User has the Yard Admin role and is ticked as a Manager then they can view ...
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