F&I Form (Finance Form)
Setting Up a Finance and Insurance Provider
When creating a Finance From, the Product Type section allows users to select Insurance and Finance Providers that can be quoted. For these products to display, firstly ensure the Dealer is part of a Dealer Group. This can only be done by Autoplay ...
Searching for a Finance Form (F&I Form)
The Form Filter on the Dashboard includes 'F&I Form'. On selection of this filter, your query will only return leads with a Finance Form included. We would recommend searching by other filters e.g., date range, lead id if available, customer details ...
Role Management - Finance Form (F&I Form)
Role Management - the Finance Form section on a Lead, will only be available will only be available to users with the 'F&I Form Role’ Role is Yard based - the Form will only display for Leads that match this Yard Role has Managers - Managers can ...
How to Approve and Convert a Finance Form
Only Users who are flagged as Managers in the 'F&I Form' Role can approve and convert the Quote into Finance. Managers will receive an In-app Notification and Email advising that a Finance From is created. On click of the In app Notification or the ...
How To Create a Finance Form (F&I Form)
Users who belong to the 'F&I Form Role' will see a Finance Section on all Leads. On expanding of the Section a thumbnail of created Finance Forms will display and the Add button displays. The '+' icon on the grey Action Menu includes an option to add ...
Overview - F&I Form (Finance Form)
The F&I Form (Finance and Insurance Form) is available to anyone who has the 'F&I Form Role'. Users will only be able to add the form to existing Leads. The Form displays all Listing, Customer, Second Customer and Appraisal information, with a ...