Valuation Tools
Appraisal Form - Features, Functions and Optional Modules
Overview This article is simply to highlight the features and functions that are available on the appraisal form, and the additional modules that can be added to it. It will go down through the Current form and explain the options available to ...
Appraisal Enhancements
Overview Below are some configurable options that allow the Appraisal Form to have extra functionality WOF Issue Date Warning This option is controlled via a new field, WOF Issue Date which by itself will act simply as a field for the issue date of ...
Vehicle Appraisal Reconditioning Approval
Overview A new module has been introduced to complement the appraisal form and the Vehicle Appraisal Manager Approval (VARA) role, offering a dedicated function that enables a separate reconditioning team to approve any necessary remedial work costs ...
Sending an Appraisal to Multiple Wholesalers and Wholesaler Groups
Overview Included as part of the 24.5.1 Release, a user that would like to send a wholesale quote request to multiple Wholesaler Groups and Wholesalers at once is now able to create a new group on the fly and send the newly created group in one go ...
Wholesale Quote Link Expiry
If the Dealership account uses the wholesale quotes option from within AutoPlay, the link will default to a 24 hour expiry time from send. This can be extended though on a per account basis by an AutoPlay Support team member. Navigate to the Vehicle ...
Glass's and Glass's + Vehicle Look Ups - Australia Only
Summary With the 23.9.1 September Release, AutoPlay is now supporting two new Glasses Look Ups to retrieve vehicle information for Australian Appraisals Services Glass's Look Up - $1.05 This service uses the the Vehicle Plate, Vin or Chassis combined ...
Redbook Advanced Look Up - Australian Dealers Only
To complement the existing Redbook look up available in AutoPlay, there is also a Redbook Advanced Australia that will also now retrieve some market value data. his is not available by default - please contact to request ...
AutoGrab Appraisal Valuations - Now Available Via AutoPlay
If you have been set up as a customer of AutoGrab you can now run Appraisal Valuations via To provision AutoGrab Appraisal Valuations you must do two things; 1. Set up Role Management using the 'AutoGrab' role. 2. Provision the APUI ...
Chargeable and Non Chargeable Reconditioning Items
Overview As part of the 22.8.1 SPW release, a new reconditioning feature has been created for Non-Chargeable items. This will allow a dealership to record any applicable damage accurately on the appraisal and have the damage value listed, however, ...
Turning a Listing into an Appraisal
Created for the 22.5.1 May release, there is now an ability to turn one of your listings into an Appraisal. This will require the Stand Alone Appraisal option to be active on your account to ensure visibility is maintained. This feature will allow ...
Send an SMS to the Customer to add Images to an Appraisal
After the 21.9.1 September Release dealerships that have the SMS Gateway service enabled on their accounts now automatically have the ability for a Sales Person to send an SMS to the Customer from within the Appraisal Form so that they may upload ...
Appraisal Form - Auction Online
In 21.1.1 it is possible for NZ users to export their listings to Auction Online. Auction Online is a new online portal connecting Franchise dealers with used vehicle wholesalers. You can read more about Auction Online HERE The Auction Online ...
Appraisal Forms - Finance Details
In 21.1.1 we have added additional Finance Details options to AUS Appraisal Forms. The options below are now available. These Finance Fields can also be set as mandatory via the My Company screen.
Appraisal Form - Appraisal Declarations In Vehicle Conditions
In 21.1.1 we've added new Appraisal Declaration options to the Vehicle Appraisal Form. These can be managed and customised by dealership or group via Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings>Appraisal Declarations by AP1 users. The details typed in the ...
Vehicle Lookups Dashboard & Standalone Vehicle Lookups
1. Vehicle Lookups Dashboard & Detail Screens In 20.12.1 we've added a new screen called 'Vehicle Lookups' - available under Sales Pipeline>Vehicle Lookups in the main nav menu. This screen is visible to any users who have the Manage Leads and ...
Customisable Appraisal UV Values - AUS ONLY
As of 20.11.1 Australian dealers can now customise the UV values they use on Appraisal Forms to indicate a value they are willing to pay above the valuation costs added against the Appraisal. There are still a default list of Appraisal UV Values ...
Creating Leads From Appraisals
Shortcut To Create Lead From Appraisals Dashboard (SPW-3519) In 20.10.1 we've added a shortcut to the Vehicle Appraisals Dashboard. Under the + button you will now see a 'Add New Lead With Appraisal' option if you have the Manage Leads role. If you ...
Automating The Appraisal Bidding Process
In 20.10.1 it is also possible to set up the whole Appraisal Offer process to be automated. To facilitate this there is a special trigger available for those with the 'Group Appraisal Visibility' role and group called 'Appraisal Created/Updated'. ...
Appraisal Offers - Sending Appraisals to the Appraisal Group and Wholesalers
Set Up Auctions To The Appraisal Group AND Wholesalers Previously the Apprasial Group Bidding process, and the Wholesale Offer process were very distinct and different processes. In 20.10.1 whilst you can still use the Appraisal Group Bidding ...
Group Appraisal Offers - Sharing Appraisals With A Dealer Group and Wholesalers
NOTE - ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY FOR THIS PRODUCT CONTACT YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER FOR MORE DETAILS At AutoPlay we've always strongly believed that managing the Appraisal process is a key part of managing leads effectively. In previous versions of ...
Redbook Vehicle Data Lookup - Australian Dealers Only
It is now possible to complete a Redbook Vehicle lookup from within AutoPlay. This is not available by default - please contact to request access. The functionality is controlled by a role called 'Redbook Australia'. Role ...
Licence/Registration Plate OCR - AUSTRALIAN DEALERS ONLY (SPW-2097)
In 20.9.1 we launched the ability for Australian Dealerships to scan a vehicles licence plate/registration plate when completing a vehicle appraisal. This is not available by default - please contact to request access. The ...
Overview of RIPA API Push Where a Dealer has the 'RIPA API Push' Role and an active API Record, those users who have the role will be able to push their Appraisals to RIPA New Zealand. After saving the Appraisal from the three dot 'More Menu' in ...
Setting Mandatory fields for the Appraisal Form
Mandatory fields for the Appraisal Form are set at a company level. To access these settings will require the 'Company Admin' role. Navigate to the 'Settings' section on the LHS menu and select My Company. The appraisal settings are found in the ...
Overview - Wholesaler Quotes for Appraisal
Communicating with your Wholesalers for quotes on Appraisals couldn't be easier with You have the choice of communicating via via Email and SMS which will store incoming and outgoing messages, or using a device ...
How To Hide The Wholesale Quotes Section
In some dealerships it may not be appropriate to display the Wholesale Quotes section to all your salespeople. If you need to hide the Wholesale Quotes section you can do so using the 'Vehicle Appraisal Wholesale Quotes Role' - any users added to ...
How To Add Wholesale Quotes To Your Appraisal Form
To add Wholesale Quotes to your Appraisal Form click on the green 'ADD' button. This allows users to add a text name and the wholesalers offer in $ Price. To delete a wholesale quote you can click on the rubbish bin icon next to each quote.When a ...
Setting Up Wholesale Contacts & Wholesale Groups
In the Sales Pipeline Settings section there is a new option called 'Wholesalers' where you can store individual Wholesaler Contacts. These can be specific to Yards and Users, and if you have created Wholesaler Groups then you have the option of ...
Matching Appraisals
When creating a Vehicle Appraisal when either the Vehicle Details are retrieved, or on save of the Appraisal, a check is made on your existing appraisals to check if a record already exists for this car. If your Dealership is part of a Group then ...
How To Accept and Withdraw an Offer on the Appraisal
At any time during and after the Bidding period, the Appraising Dealer can Accept Bids, or Withdraw the Offer. Accepting The Offer On Accepting the Bid the Contact Details of the winning Bidding Dealer will display and the status will change to ...
How To Bid on Appraisal
When a Dealer has Made an Offer, the Dealers who are within the Group, receive a notification advising an offer has been made On click of the Notification the Appraisal will open, alternatively Users can search for the Appraisal. From the Vehicle ...
Make An Offer for an Appraisal
When an Appraisal is created and saved, if it matches the Group Visibility criteria, the 'Make Offer' icon displays in the Grey Sub Header menu On Click of the Icon, the 'Group Offers' section displays and the 'Make Offer' changes to display with an ...
Overview - Make Offer for Appraisals
The 'Make Offer' Function allows Dealers to belong to a Group, that enables Users within their Dealership to push Appraisals out to other Dealers within the Group, for them to make offers on the Appraisal for a predetermined 'Bidding Period'. The ...
How To Set Up the Make Offer Function on the Appraisal Form
Setting Up the Group Type Set Up Group Type 'Group Account Visibility' Add Make or leave blank to apply to 'Any Make' Set Trade In Offer Time Limit (Hours) - this setting determines how long Dealers within the Group can place Bids on the logged ...
Recording Tyre Tread On Your Appraisal
It's now possible to add the tread depth for each of the Tyres on the vehicle you are appraising. There is a separate section labelled 'Tyres'. Clicking into the field will allow you to choose from 'Right Fron', 'Left Front', 'Right Rear' and "Left ...
Using Splat Graphic Functionality To Take Photos And Add Reconditioning Costs To Your Appraisal
In 19.4 we've added the functionality to use a traditional "splat" graphic on your Appraisal Form. This comes as standard on all versions of the Appraisal Form but is not compulsory - if you do not wish to use the functionality you can continue to ...
How To Create A Stand Alone Appraisal Form
If you have the 'Standalone Appraisal' role enabled you can create Appraisal Forms via the 'Vehicle Appraisal' screen without being attached to a lead. 1. If the user has the Standalone Appraisal Form role they will see a + from the Appraisal ...
How To Add An Appraisal/Trade In To Your Lead (AUS)
THIS SUPPORT ARTICLE IS FOR AUSTRALIAN DEALERSHIPS. IF YOU ARE A NZ DEALER CLICK HERE. has a built in Appraisal Form that digitises the Appraisal process. You can create an Appraisal Form within one of two ways. ...
Overview - Appraisals & Trade Ins
Creating an Appraisal Form in is incredibly easy. Watch the short video below to find out more about creating Appraisals in Browse the support articles below to find out all you need to know about creating, managing ...
Printing Your Vehicle Appraisal Form
It is possible to print your Appraisal Form by clicking on the 'Print' icon in the grey action menu. This will open up a new browser window where you can both save as a PDF, or print as shown below. The print out will also include Splat Graph image ...
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