Test Drive
Where do I store the Drivers Licence, Second Drivers Licence, Check In and Check Out images?
The Test Drive has a section at the top of the screen to manage images. When you scan the customer drivers licence it will appear here. If you click on Check Out or Check In and use the camera, autoplayauto.com will know that you are not attempting ...
What are 'Odometer In' and 'Odometer Out' for?
AutoPlay always had Odometer Out and Odometer In on our Loan Car Forms. In autoplayauto.com we've now added this to the Test Drive Form. The fields can be used to record the km's before and after the car was taken for a Test Drive.
What are 'Check Out' and 'Check In' used for?
In autoplayauto.com it's now possible to take photos of the condition of the vehicle before Test Drive, and upon it's return. This function was previously only available on the Loan Car Forms, but has now been enabled on the standard Test Drive ...
How do I create a Test Drive in autoplayauto.com?
You can create a Test Drive via the Dashboard or from the View Lead screen. The create options are shown in the Action menu under the + button. You will see options for 'Test Drive', 'Appraisal', 'Write Up' and 'Wishlist'. All of these will create ...
Can I create a Test Drive without first creating a lead?
No - AutoPlay does not currently offer the ability to create a Test Drive without a lead. However you can create a lead at the same time that you create the Test Drive by clicking on the 'Test Drive' button on the Dashboard. This will take you to ...
Can I use the Test Drive Kiosk Mode in autoplayauto.com?
Yes. AutoPlayAuto.com includes the Kiosk Mode used with the physical Test Drive Kiosks. If you have any issues with using Kiosk Mode in AutoPlayAuto.com please contact support@autoplay.co.nz
Why Can't I Save My New Lead/Customer/TD Form etc?
Often this is due to mandatory fields for that particular screen not being completed. Mandatory fields differ by screen and some are customisable from dealership to dealership - they are always marked with a *. When you save and any of these fields ...