The Fees screen allows you to give your Fee a name and 'Default' cost which can be applied to your Write Up Form.
If you tick the 'Auto Apply' check box the Fee will automatically be added to every Write Up Form you create.
You can create as many Fees as you like by clicking on the
+ button from the Fee Dashboard.
As of version 20.6.1 it's now possible to configure Fees by Country. This has enabled Australian customers to add Fees to their Write Up Forms.
AutoPlay has set up fees for Luxury Tax, Stamp Duty and Transfer Fee's for all Australian dealers to use. Note AutoPlay will NOT calculate the Stamp Duty or Luxury Tax automatically - this must be done outside of AutoPlay. As such the default Fees have been set up to be able to be added to the Write Up Form for Australian dealers withouyt any price applied.
If you wish to create your own fees this can be done via the Write Up Fees screen (contact AutoPlay Support for assistance). If Fees are set up in a dealer account they can be set to automatically apply on every Write Up Form you create. Fees can be used for any additional fee you want to display and can also have $ figures added.