What Screens Can I Send Email Response From?

What Screens Can I Send Email Response From?

You can send an AutoPlay Email Response from several screens within AutoPlayAuto.com.  

1.  From The Dashboard Shortcut
Clicking on the blue + button from the Dashboard pops up a shortcut popup.  Clicking on the email icon will take you to the 'Email Response' screen where you can build your email without having to first open your lead record.  When sending an email from this shortcut both the listing and recipient will already be populated.

2.  From My Listings
When viewing a listing you can send an email from the + icon in the grey action menu.  When you send an email from a Listing your email will automatically be populated with the Listing you were viewing, but you'll need to enter the email address you want to receive the email.

3.  From The Address Book
When viewing a individual customer in the Address Book you can send an email to the customer by clicking on the + button in the grey action menu, and selecting the 'Email' option.  When sending an Email Response from the grey action menu the customers email will automatically be populated as the recipient, but you will need to select a listing to include (if relevant).

4.  From The Email Screen
The Email screen shows all the (non-bulk) emails you have sent to individuals via AutoPlayAuto.com.  You can create a new email via the + icon in the grey action menu.  When creating an email from this screen you will need to enter both a recipient and select a listing if appropriate.

5.  From A Lead
The most common way to send an Email Response is from the View Lead screen.  When viewing a individual lead you can click on the communication icon in the grey action menu, and select the 'New Email Response' option.  Alternatively you can open the 'Communications' section and click on the green 'ADD' button.

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