What Is The Customer Activity Screen Used For?

What Is The Customer Activity Screen Used For?

The 'Customer Activity' screen allows users to search for a customer record from the Dashboard, then view ALL the activity lodged against the customer.  You can access the 'Customer Activity' screen from the action menu on the Dashboard as pictured below.

Next you will need to search your customer database.  Type in any of the following values into the keyword field to search for a specific customer.
  1. ID (AutoPlay Contact ID)
  2. Name (First and Last)
  3. Company
  4. Mobile
  5. Email
  6. Status (New, Current, Opted Out)
  7. Client Ref (3rd Party/DMS Contact ID - if integrated)

The results returned will be contacts that exist in your database with similar details - with the most similar matches at the top of the list.  Once you've identified the contact you want to view, click on them to access their details.

This will take you to an identical screen to 'View Contacts' where you can view all the customers name, contact, address and licence details, as well as other information such as date of last purchase, which Contact Groups they belong to, and what email or sms communication they have been sent in the past.

On this screen is also a summary of all the Leads, Test Drives, Appraisals and Prospect records that have been created against this contact.  If you have the right role management you can view these records by clicking on them, but if not you will be able to access a summary of the most relevant information.  Read more about the View/Edit Customer screen HERE.

When you have seen all the info you need, because you have arrived at the 'View Customer' screen from the Dashboard you can hit 'CLOSE' to be taken back to your lead Dashboard.

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