Close Lost Mandatory Fields
Internal Ref: SPW-2991
A new role has been created to allow the 'Closed Notes' field to be mandatory when setting a Lead to Close Lost. This role includes the 'Make' setting, allowing dealers to have this function only apply when Leads are for certain Makes.
Additional Filter Option on the Listing Screen
Internal Ref: SPW- 2395
The ability to filter Listings by Special Price has been added to the Marketing Filter. The following options are now available;
- Has Special Price
- No Special Price
- Marked as Special (this refers to the 'Specials' flag that is available in the General section of the Listing)
- Not Marked as Special (this refers to the 'Specials' flag that is available in the General section of the Listing)
Opt In - Ticked by Default
Internal Ref: SPW-3000
For NZ and Australian Dealers (non-GDPR), the new Lead and Test Drive screens have an 'Opt In' tick box in the Privacy Policy section.
The 'My Company' screen now includes an option to have this setting NOT ticked by default.
Internal Ref: SPW-2714
On the Appraisal Form for Australian Dealers, when selecting a State the corresponding Road and Traffic Authority will display. On click of the link this will take the Dealer to their correct Authority for a registration expiry date and serial number check.
UK - Auto Test Drive (Affects Autoplay Users Only)
Internal Ref: SPW-2939
To facilitate a change that allows a set of pre-defined roles to be added to a Company based on location, the use of Role Groups has been modified. This has had a flow on affect to the way new Dealerships are added to Autoplay.
- On the 'New Company' screen (accessed from the '+' icon on the Client List screen) the 'Assign Default Roles' option no longer displays
- After creating the Company record, the three dot more menu has an option 'Apply Default Roles'. This will display the pre-defined Role Groups that are available.
- The Role Groups that display are setup in the Role Group screen under the Client 'New Dealers Only'.
- To create a new Role Group for these purposes, on create of the record the client should be 'All Dealers'.
Notification for Bounced/Failed SMS and Email Messages
Internal Reference SPW-2682
A new Automation workflow Type has been created 'Email/SMS Failed To Send'. This allows the Dealer to specify the type and recipient of Notification when and Email or SMS has bounced or failed. In the example below;
- The Trigger is 'Email/SMS Failed To Send'
- When this trigger is meet then a Communication Type of 'SMS Notification' has been selected
- No Delay setting has been defined.
- The User Type is set to 'Users', with only one User added.
For this Dealership, whenever an SMS/Email fails an SMS notification is immediately sent to 'Dorian' only. The Lead Owner or Manager will not receive the notification as we have set the Communication 'User Type/ to User.
We could have set the communication type to In-app notification or Email, with a delay, and set the User Type to 'Lead Managers' or 'Lead Owner', which would ensure that any failed SMS/Email communications on the Lead would only notify the Lead Managers or Owner.
The following screenshot shows the In-App Notification that is received when the Automation Workflow has been created. On click of the Notification the user is taken to the Lead and can review the Communications section which shows the failed records.
Dealer Hubs
Internal Ref: SPW-2821
Dealer Hubs are available for existing Dealer Groups, and allows users to have visibility to view leads across various yards within a Group.
To activate a Group Hub a Dealer will need to have the;
- Hub Yard Management role
- Dealer Group Type - Dealer Hub
The Role will need to be added to the Dealer(s) before the Dealer Hub can be created.
Only Autoplay staff can create the Dealer Hub Group, which will determine what Yards will display for the Dealer Hub and it will also link the Dealer Hub with the correct Hub Management Role - ensuring Staff with the role have the correct visibility on the Sales Pipeline Dashboard.
When a user is assigned to the Role, the 'Dealer' filter will display on the Sales Pipeline Dashboard. This will display all Dealers that have been added to the Dealer Hub group, and on selection of a Dealer(s), the screen will display any lead that is assigned to the Dealers (based on the Lead's yard).
Assorted Bugs and Fixes
- SPW-3165 UK Change - When creating a Tracked Lead from the Vehicle Registry screen, the Select Listing button has been moved to the right to allow for better UI.
- SPW-3049 On the Apprasial Dashboard, the Yard field is now a Filter option. (note Appraisal Yard is based on the Yard that the Lead is on, as appraisals themselves don't belong to Yards).
- SPW-2542 The Standard Response screen has been modified to always display the Add/Edit Image Section on the form. This was previously dependant on having the 'Use Listings Photos' box unticked.
- SPW-3069 Close Lost Permission Role now allows this to be set by Yard.