Vehicle Lookups Dashboard & Standalone Vehicle Lookups

Vehicle Lookups Dashboard & Standalone Vehicle Lookups

1.  Vehicle Lookups Dashboard & Detail Screens

In 20.12.1 we've added a new screen called 'Vehicle Lookups' - available under Sales Pipeline>Vehicle Lookups in the main nav menu.  This screen is visible to any users who have the Manage Leads and Vehicle Appraisals/Standalone Vehicle Appraisals roles.

The Vehicle Lookups Dashboard will show all the vehicle lookups completed within the dealership account either attached to an Appraisal, or completed as a standlone vehicle lookup.  The records visible on the screen are determined by the following roles;
  1. Manage Leads Role - If the user is a Manager in the Manage Leads role they will see any Vehicle Lookup completed by a user who shares the role.  If a user is not ticked as a Manager then they will only see their own vehicle lookups.
  2. Standalone Appraisal Role - If the user does not have the Manage Leads role but has the Standalone Appraisal role any user ticked as a Manager in the Standalone Appraisal role will see any Vehicle Lookup completed by a user who shares the role.  If a user is not ticked as a Manager then they will only see their own vehicle lookups.  Note - due to the fact that the Standalone Appraisal lookup does not force a yard onto the lookup, you must always add the Not Allocated Yard to the role.
The Vehicle Lookups Dashboard currently displays the following lookups (as at 14/12/2020);
  1. PPSR (AUS)
  2. MotorWeb AU (AUS)
  3. Redbook (AUS)
  4. MotorWeb NZ (NZ)
  5. CarJam (NZ)
  6. MotorCentral CarCheck (NZ)

The Vehicle Lookups dashboard provides a list of all the lookups completed in the account in AutoPlay sorted by the Date the Vehicle Lookup was completed.  If a Vehicle Lookup was completed against an Appraisal then the Appraisal ID will be displayed here.  If the Vehicle Lookup was done standalone the Appraisal ID will be blank.

On the Dashboard you can see the Type (i.e Redbook or PPSR etc), the Rego/VIN, the Vehicle Details, User and the Date the Vehicle Lookup was completed (note this may differ from the date the Appraisal Form was created).  The keyword search also searches all of these fields.

The Vehicle Lookups screen can also be filtered by the following;
  1. Date Range (Defaults to This Month)
  2. User (Defaults to Any User)
  3. Lookup Provider (Defaults to 'All Lookup Providers' but can be filtered to PPSR, Redbook, MotorWeb AU, MotorWeb NZ, Car Jam, Motorcentral Car Check)
  4. Types - On Appraisal, Standalone or Failed Vehicle Lookups

When you click on to the record to view you are taken to the 'View Lookup' screen.  The screen is made up of several components;

a.  Vehicle Details - Shows all the information how it will eventually be mapped in to AutoPlay if you do create a Vehicle Appraisal.  Note the fields displayed here will vary depending on the Vehicle Lookup you have completed as each provider gives AutoPlay different data.  

b.  Raw Data - All the raw data retrieved by AutoPlay will be visible in the View Request, View Result and Result Text fields.
- View Request - shows the raw xml/json that AutoPlay sent to the Vehicle Lookup provider
- View Result - shows the raw xml/json that AutoPlay was provided by the Vehicle Lookup provider.  Can be used to validate the Vehicle Lookup and allows the fast diagnosis of any potential issues.
- Result Text - only be visible to AP1 and this shows any error messages received by AutoPlay for the lookup.

c.  Record Details - All of the identifying information for a Vehicle Lookup will be displayed here including;
- Lookup ID - The unique AutoPlay ID assigned to the Vehicle Lookup.
- Appraisal ID - The unique AutoPlay ID assigned to the Vehicle Appraisal Form - will be blank if the Vehicle Lookup was completed standalone
- User - The User name who created the Vehicle Lookup
- Type - The provider the Vehicle Lookup was completed with
- Created - The date and time the Vehicle Lookup was completed

If your Vehicle Lookup returns a PDF (PPSR, Motorweb NZ, Car Jam, MotorCentral Car Check), then you will be able to view the PDF via the MORE option in the grey action menu

2.  Creating Standalone Vehicle Lookups
In 20.12.1 it is also possible to create a Standalone Vehicle Lookup without the need to create an Appraisal Form.  To do so you must have the following;
a. The User must belong to the appropriate Role controlling access (i.e 'Redbook Australia', 'PPSR Australia' etc)
b. The relevant role must have the Role Attribute ticked for 'Create Standalone Redbook Vehicle Lookup'.  This Role Attribute is unchecked by default.  Contact to request it to be enabled.

With the role attribute enabled a User will be able to complete a Vehicle Lookup directly from the Vehicle Lookups dashboard - without having to create an Appraisal or Lead.  To create a Vehicle Lookup from the Vehicle Lookups screen users can click on the + button located in the grey action menu.  

On the 'Add Standalone Lookup' screen users will be able to enter the VIN, Rego and State to run a vehicle Lookup.  Each type of Vehicle Lookup can require different fields to be completed (for example Redbook requires a Rego + State, whilst PPSR requires the VIN).  In Australia you are able to utilise the green camera button to scan the vehicles Licence Plate and populate the rego this way instead of typing the rego in.

The types of Vehicle Lookups you have available in the account will be displayed on the right in the Vehicle Lookup section.  Each provider will be displayed here and can be used to run a new Vehicle Lookup via the NEW button.  As per the changes in Version 20.10.1 and 20.11.1 the system will notify you if a vehilce lookup of the same type has been completed for the Rego/VIN, and give you the option of using the existing lookup or running a new one if required (if you run a new lookup you will be charged accordingly, whereas using a previous lookup will not incur any additional costs).

It is also possible to complete a new Vehicle Lookup from a previously completed Vehicle Lookup.  To do so when viewing the existing Vehicle Lookup record you can click on the + button to create a brand new lookup.

On the next screen you will see whatever details have already been returned for VIN, Rego and State will already be populated.  Any new Vehicle Lookup will incur costs, however the user will be notified before running the lookup if there has previously been a Vehicle Lookup completed, and give them the option of using the existing record or proceeding with the new lookup.

3.  Creating Standalone Appraisals Or Leads With Appraisals From Your Vehicle Lookups
In some scenarios it may be appropriate to create a Appraisal Form or Lead from your Vehicle Lookup.  From the 'View Lookup' screen you can complete the following actions;
  1. Create a Vehicle Appraisal - if you have the Standalone Vehicle Appraisal Role you will be able to create an Appraisal directly from any completed Vehicle Lookup
  2. Create a New Lead With Appraisal - If you have the Manage Leads Role you will be able to create a new Lead complete with an Appraisal Form from any completed Vehicle Lookup
When creating a Standalone Appraisal you need to click on the 'Convert To Appraisal' button as highlighted below.  This will take you to a screen to enter all of the customer information required for a Vehicle Appraisal.   Once completed you can flesh out the rest of your Appraisal including images, reconditioning costs and valuations.  You will not need to re-enter any information already captured by your prior Vehicle Lookup - including any PDF generated from your Vehicle Lookup (i.e PPSR).

When creating a Lead from your Vehicle Lookup you can click on the 'Convert To Lead With Appraisal' button as highlighted below.  This will navigate the user to the Add New Appraisal screen where you will need to complete the customers details, as well as the Lead Source/Campaign and select the listing the customer is interested in if appropriate.  

Once completed you can flesh out the rest of your Appraisal including images, reconditioning costs and valuations.  You will not need to re-enter any information already captured by your prior Vehicle Lookup - including any PDF generated from your Vehicle Lookup (i.e PPSR).

With the 21.3.1 release there is now additional checks on vehicle look ups that will notify a user if the vehicle has previously  had a look up done within the account before. It will display the date of the previous if it finds a match, so the user can make a decision to view the existing report or run a anew one. There are no further charges if the previous report is viewed, and a user doesnt need to have access to see the Appraisal that the report was run on recently.

A audit log of views is now kept against each report record.

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