UK Lead Tracker - Managing Lead and Test Drive Sources

UK Lead Tracker - Managing Lead and Test Drive Sources

Source information is stored on both the Lead and Test Drive, and is administered by navigating to Sales Pipeline Settings/Test Drive Sources. 

Autoplay Staff and users who have the 'Manage Sources and Campaigns' Role (Managers can edit, otherwise role is view only) are able to access the Test Drive Source screen. 

The list screen defaults to all Sources, including those that are available to All Dealers as those specific to the logged in Dealer.

  1. To add a new Source click the '+' icon in the Grey Action menu bar.
  2. Populate the 'Source' field and click 'Save' and the following fields become editable
    1. Order (determines the order of the fields in the 'Other Lead Source' field)
    2. Quick Select Order (determines the order of the Quick Select sources
    3. Cost
    4. Active field (only active Sources will display. 


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