Test Drive and Loan Car Dealer Plates

Test Drive and Loan Car Dealer Plates

Released with SPW 22.6.1 AutoPlay has built the ability for a Dealership to set up their dealership license plates so that unregistered vehicles can have them assigned when they are taken out for either Test Drive or sent on Loan.

Provisioning An Account

Any User that is marked as a Manager in either the Manage Leads or Stand Alone Test Drive roles will have a new option under Sales Pipeline Settings, "Test Drive Dealer Plates"

In this admin screen a user is able to add/remove/deactivate Dealer License Plates

Test Drive and Loan Forms

There is now a new drop down section on the Test Drive and Loan Car forms that allow for the provisioned Dealer Plates to be selected

Dealer Plates are also searchable on the Vehicle Registry Dashboard

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