Special Offers

Special Offers

In AutoPlayAuto.com it is possible to set up certain listings to display with an 'Incentive' or 'Promotion'  You can specify what the offer is for, and what types of vehicles will display the banner via the 'Special Offers' screen.

When active and matching against a listing the 'Incentive' or 'Promotion' banner will show on the listing thumbnail wherever that thumbnail is displayed.

In addition the Special Offers banners will show on the View Listing popup (visible when you click on the Listing when viewing a lead).  The Special Offers set up will display on the top of the View Listing popup.  If you click on the Incentive it will display a drop down with the Special Offer that is available on the selected listing.

1.  Visibility
a.  The Special Offers screen can be navigated to from the Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings>Special Offers Menu
b.  The Special Offers screen will be visible to any user who is in the Lead Management Admin role.
c.  If a user does not have this role they will not see the screen.  AP1 can see in any account.
d.  Dealer accounts can only set up Special Offers within their accounts and as such do not see the Dealership or Dealer Group dropdowns.  These are only visible in the AP1 account.
e.  The Special Offers function also works with Dealer Groups.  If Special Offers are set up in the parent Dealer Group then the Special Offer displays throughout the child accounts in the Group - i.e EMD have an Incentive set up, and the Incentive shows on matching leads in all EMD dealers.
f.  To enable this a Group must be selected in the 'Dealer Group' dropdown.

2.  Special Offers List/Dashboard
a.  Keyword search looks at Name, Dealership, Dealer Group, Start and Stop Date
b.  Each heading in the data table can be clicked/tapped to do a quick sort
c.  Download - formerly labelled Print List it will export exactly what is on screen via a CSV for download
d.  Add New - if the user has the Lead Manager Admin role they can create a new special offer within their account by clicking on the Add New button.
e.  Clicking on an existing record will open the same window as the Add New screen, but the window title will be the text in the Name field.

3.  Audit
a.  Currently there is no Audit function.  The individual Special Offer records should have an Audit button.
b.  The Audit should follow the established format and show on that Special Offer what fields have changed, and by which user.
c.  The values should be as user friendly as possible within the constraints we currently have.  There are separate JIRA jobs to do post launch that make these friendlier.

4. Creating A Record
a.  The Name, Description and Offer Type are compulsory fields
Name - shows as the title of the offer on the Lead Detail screen under the Offer & Incentive Section
Description - shows as the description when viewing a individual Offer/Incentive on the Lead Detail screen
Offer Type - controls what banner appears on the image thumbnail wherever that appears within AutoPlay.  This Offer/Incentive banner does not display on the APSR or in Listing API exports.
b.  Users must enter the criteria that they want to cause the display the banner.  The criteria is based on the vehicle and can be specified by;
- Yard
- Listing Type
- Make
- Model
- Variant
- Body Type
- Transmission
- Drive
- Colour
- Year (as a range)
- Price (as a range)
- CC (as a range)
c.  All the vehicle options must be exact matches - with the exception of Year, Price and CC.
d.  The Start and Finish Date can be set in advance to determine when you want the offer to display.  Once the finish date passes the offer/incentive will cease to display.
e.  Active - the Active tick box must be ticked in order to display the banner.  It must also have a start date.  The start date can be set for the future.
f.  Offer Price - if the offer price is changed it will change the price on the listing in the API.  I don't believe this has any effect within Sales Pipeline - it is only used by Toyota for their old Great Offers function (TBC).
g.  Image - used for Nth Harb Ford Best Deals function.  Displays an image on the Best Deal section within the APSR.
h.  Subtitle - Used for Best Deals function only
i.  T&C URL - Used for a link to T&C's on Best Deal function only
j.  T&C HTML - Used for HTML on Best Deal function only
k.  Fees/Charges URL - Used for a link to Fees etc on Best Deal Function Only
l.  Fees/Charges HTML - Used for HTML on Best Deal function only

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