SMS Opt Outs For Australian Customers

SMS Opt Outs For Australian Customers

In SPW-21.21 we discovered a default function in our Australian SMS Gateway where any member of the public who texts a reply 'STOP', 'UNSUB' or 'UNSUBSCRIBE' will automatically opt the customer out of receiving any SMS from any dealers using AutoPlay SMS services via the SMS Status flag in 

This meets Australian Opt Out requirements but did mean SMS would not send for Dealer A if customer had already opted out to Dealer B - as they both used the same AutoPlay SMS Gateway (note this happened rarely with only 0.15% of SMS attempts affected).  In 21.2.1 AutoPlay is now able to detect the specific dealer account the customer has opted out against and apply the automatic opt on just that account (Note - this does not affect Email Opt Outs)

When attempting to send an SMS to a customer that has Opted Out of SMS previously the user will receive a error validation letting them know that the SMS could not be sent due to the customer having previously opted out.  If the customer opted out and the mobile number for this customer record is modified the customer record will still be 'opted out' regardless of their new mobile number.

A record of the SMS failing to send due to being Opted Out will display in the Communications section on the Lead, in the SMS List and on the Automation history (where relevant)

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