SMS Gateways

SMS Gateways

In you can send SMS to your prospective customers from the Lead or Appraisals screens if you have the Role Management - Send Lead SMS role enabled.  If you are using on a mobile device you will be able to send an SMS directly from your device when in the Appraisal screen, however the message will not be displayed within AutoPlay, nor will any customer replies be able to be captured.

In order to display a record of the SMS sent, and capture any customer replies you need to send through an SMS Gateway. 
  1. Allows users to send an SMS* from any of the devices you use for Sales Pipeline – you are not restricted to send via your mobile - you can send an SMS via your Desktop (*The SMS Gateway works for SMS type messages only – no MMS.  As of July 2019 AutoPlay offer only individual SMS only - no bulk SMS is available). 
  2. Add URL short codes to your SMS to drive customers to a certain webpage.
  3. Use up to 160 characters to get your message across. will allow you to create SMS messages longer than 160 characters, but please note you will be charged for multiple messages when you exceed this count.
  4. The SMS Gateway enables the capture of customer SMS replies directly to your lead within the Sales Pipeline - generating a notification when a customer replies to your SMS (provided you have the Role Management - Send Lead SMS role enabled and set to allow Notifications)

AutoPlay incurs costs for the SMS Gateway which are on-charged to the dealership/client sending SMS based on a per SMS price.
In NZ the per SMS price is $0.11 NZD per SMS
For AUS prices contact 

For information on pricing, or to sign up to use an SMS Gateway, please contact AutoPlay via 

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