When creating a Finance From, the Product Type section allows users to select Insurance and Finance Providers that can be quoted.
For these products to display, firstly ensure the Dealer is part of a Dealer Group. This can only be done by Autoplay staff in the Client Admin section. (Note if the Dealer is not part of a Group, create a Dealer Group record with only that Dealer in the Group). For Australia there is a default group called 'FINANCE GROUPS AUS' to which you can add all the dealerships you wish to set up.
Note - as of 02/04/20 there is no ability to set up Groups of preloaded F&I Providers. Each provider must be set up individually in each client account (once the dealer is added to at least one Group).
The Dealer will also require a API record for each option. This is done by navigating to Company Settings/API Management. Please confirm with the Dev Team what API options are valid as at the time of creating this Support Guide, there were no records available for NZ.
To set up a record type in the name of the Finance or Insurance Provider that you want to display on the F&I Form.
It is compulsory to select a API. If integration exists for the F&I provider find the corresponding record in the API drop down. If no integration exists then simply select 'Lead API' as your default.
Tick active and hit save. As the record is not tied to any integration there is no need to set a key & token or token expiry.

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