There are a number of vehicle lookups that can be completed within the Vehicle Appraisal Form. To enable these options within your account there are a number of Role Management Settings. Please note - it is not possible to use any of these services unless you have a agreement with Carjam, MotorCentral or MotorWeb respectively. To request set up, contact these providers and they will generate a unique token that can be used to set up access. This part of the process can only be completed by AutoPlay staff.
The Carjam service is visible to all users by default. However if the role is not turned on it will only prompt the user to get in touch with the provider to set up. If the role is enabled but the user is not then a message will prompt to request set up with your manager.
Enables the Carjam functionality on an appraisal. The Carjam API key must be specified for the company first. Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The Carjam button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for Carjam and marking that record as Inactive.
If the dealer does not have an API key set up then a message box will display informing them that an email has been sent to Carjam to start the integration process.
2. Run a VIR using the MotorCentral Car Check role (NZ)
The CarCheck service is visible to all users by default. However if the role is not turned on it will only prompt the user to get in touch with the provider to set up. If the role is enabled but the user is not then a message will prompt to request set up with your manager.
Enables the Motorcentral CarCheck functionality on an Appraisal. The Motorcentral API key must be specified for the company first. Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The Motorcentral button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for Motorcentral and marking that record as Inactive.
If the dealer does not have an API key set up then a message box will display informing them that an email has been sent to Motorcentral to start the integration process.
3. Run a Appraisal Report using the MotorWeb Appraisal Report role (NZ)
As of December 2018 it is no longer possible to run MotorWeb VIR's via AutoPlay. Instead MotorWeb have created a custom Appraisal Report which is less expensive that the full VIR service, but still gives useful information about the vehicle.
The MotorWeb Appraisal Report role enables the MotorWeb Appraisal Report functionality on an Appraisal. The MotorWeb API key must be specified for the company first. Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The MotorWeb button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for MotorWeb and marking that record as Inactive.
If the dealer does not have an API key set up then a message box will display informing them that an email has been sent to MotorWeb to start the integration process.
When setting up please confirm that the dealer wants the CarJam and MotorCentral button s hidden.
4. Run a Vehicle Lookup using the MotorWeb VIR Australia role (AUS)
Enables the MotorWeb VIR (Australia) functionality on an Appraisal.
MotorWeb AU does not need an API key as they bill AutoPlay directly and we then on-bill.
Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The MotorWeb button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for MotorWeb and marking that record as Inactive.
5. Run a PPSR Using the PPSR Australia role (AUS)
Enables the PPSR (Australia) functionality on an Appraisal.
Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The PPSR button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for PPSR and marking that record as Inactive.
In 20.9.1 we've improved the clarity of system messaging when running PPSR to more descriptively inform the user of the PPSR lookup's success or failiure
- If the connection to SS/PPSR cannot be made – “The PPSR search is not currently returning results from the 3rd party provider, please try again later”
- If the connection is able to be made but the record cannot be returned – “The record cannot be found from the PPSR check. Please check the details you have entered and try again”
- If the query is successful – “Your PPSR lookup was successful. Please review the data to ensure accuracy”
When running PPSR you will automatically be told when a PPSR has previously been run for the VIN within the dealerships AutoPlay account. When running a PPSR if the VIN matches a previous PPSR lookup (regardless of whether it is attached to a saved PPSR or not), the user is presented with a notification asking them if they would like to reuse the existing PPSR, or run a new one (in case something has changed on the PPSR lookup).
If the user selects 'Existing PPSR' the system will retrieve the previously created PDF and the dealership will not be charged for a new PPSR lookup. If the user chooses 'New PPSR' they will be charged for a brand new PPSR lookup as per normal behaviour.

6. Run a Redbook Lookup using the Redbook Australia role (AUS)
Enables the Redbook Australia functionality on an Appraisal.
Role works at the YARD level with the yard determined by whatever yard the lead is on. Role also works at USER level.
The Redbook button is always visible unless disabled by either marking the API record as inactive, or by adding a Dealer API record for Redbook and marking that record as Inactive.