Overview of RIPA API Push

Where a Dealer has the 'RIPA API Push' Role and an active  API Record, those users who have the role will be able to push their Appraisals to RIPA New Zealand.   After saving the Appraisal from the three dot 'More Menu' in the Grey Action Bar is an 'Export' function, 

On Click of 'RIPA NZ' A confirmation prompt will appear and you can confirm you want to send the information to 'RIPA NZ'

Note if the User has the correct roleyard has role but no API record exists message should state “Your account has not been set up to export Appraisals to RIPA. Please contact to finish your set up”

Export History

Once the record has been exported, a record is entered into  the Service Provider History, also accessed from the More Menu under 'Exports'.

Filtering Records on Vehicle Dashboard 

You can filter the Exported records on the Vehicle Dashboard 

RIPA Report 

From the 'More' Menu on the Grey Action Bar on the Sales Pipeline Dashboard click Reporting and select 'RIPA NZ'.  The Report can be run for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, All Dates and a Custom Date Range. 

  1. Lead ID
  2. Lead Created Date
  3. Lead Progress
  4. Customer First Name
  5. Customer Last Name
  6. Customer Email
  7. Customer Mobile
  8. Customer Phone
  9. Lead Listing (Year, Make, Model, Variant - can all be one cell)
  10. Appraisal ID
  11. Appraisal Created Date
  12. Appraisal Traded 
  13. Appraisal Year
  14. Appraisal Make
  15. Appraisal Model
  16. Appraisal Variant
  17. Date Pushed To RIPA

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