On a lead that has generated a Notification it will be shown as a warning icon in the far right column as circled below.
On the 'Dashboard' you will see a warning icon in the grey action menu as circled below. The 'Notifications' list shows all the Notifications that have generated for the logged in user.
Clicking on a Notification will navigate you to the Lead and the relevant cause of the Notification. Opening the Lead and taking appropriate action will clear it. For example;
- If the notification is "Test Drive Overdue" completing the Test Drive or changing the end time to a date/time in the future will clear the notification
- If the notification is "Customer Replied To SMS" viewing the customer SMS will clear the Notification.
You can also clear the Notifications in bulk by clicking on the tick icon. Clearing Notifications for one user will clear the Notifications for all users.
In 20.8.1 we improved the way Notifications are handled within selected roles. Where previously in app Notifications, Email and SMS notifications were controlled via a single 'Notifications' check box we've now added the ability to specify for each user the specific type of notification the user wants to receive.
We've also simplified the Bulk Notification Settings which give AutoPlay and users with the Role Manager Admin role more control and efficiency when managing large sets of User notifications. Any Bulk setting will prompt you to overwrite the individual settings for each user. Any changes to the individual User after this will supersede the Bulk macro setting, The Bulk setting is simply a tool to make selecting notification settings easier - the ticks against each individual user are what is acknowledged when Notifications are sent out.
When using the Bulk Notification Settings function there will be up to three types of notifications depending on what is available for that particular role;
- Send Emails (if a Email notification exists you can set up Email notifications to go to the selected group of users)
- Send SMS (if a SMS notification exists you can set up SMS notifications to go to the selected group of users)
- Send Notifications (if a in app notification exists you can set up in app notifications to go to the selected group of users)
When you have ticked the types of notifications you want to bulk add you can then select the types of users you want to add this to;
- All Managers (selecting this in the drop down will add whatever notification types are ticked to any user ticked as 'Manager' in the role)
- User (selecting this in the drop down will add whatever notification types are ticked to ALL users in the role - Managers and Non-Managers alike)
- None (no bulk setting will apply - can be used to clear all individual user settings)