As part of the 24.11.1 sprint, some wholesale changes have been applied to the options available to the Match Leads to Similar other leads within AutoPlay and how this is now displayed back in the system.
This has now moved to its own stand alone screen
Settings > Company Settings > Lead Matching
To move to the new screen above, the old settings (if there are any) will need to be migrated. Once this is completed, the new settings menu will be in use.
- Once the migrate button is pushed, the My Company settings are not used (even though they are ticked as Active), and the migrate button will no longer be visible.
- The new settings are created as Not Active - they will need to be manually checked and activated
- Once removed from My Company, the whole accordion will not be visible
- Once migrated, 'Default' will change to 'All Types'
- The language and philosophy will change from the terms 'ignore' to 'match. This means that we will be looking to match the settings to leads.
Settings Migration from My Company
To migrate to the new settings menu, an AutoPlay user will need to manually click the Migrate Button within the My Company Match Leads to Similar Leads Accordion
NOTE: Once this has been done, these settings are no longer used, even though they may be marked as Active still
The migrated settings will then each be written as a new Lead Matching setting, that has copied over the existing settings logic - note that the terminology of how these settings work has been changed. Previously we were looking to 'Ignore' lead attributes, now we are looking to 'Match' on them.
Migrated settings will be prepopulated with a Name of the originating setting ID
NOTE: Each of these settings will need to be manually checked and switched to Active to be operational.
Managing and Creating New Settings
There are now many more configurable options that can be done with these Match and Merge settings. To create a new setting or to edit an existing setting either click the + button in the top right, or click directly into the current setting
The setting itself has been broken up into a more intuitive workflow
- Client that the setting is created for
- Name of the setting
- Active
- Merge - do you want this setting to merge the incoming lead to a matching existing lead
Incoming Lead
- Lead Type of Incoming Lead - This used to say 'default' if no value was selected, this has been changed to All Types.
- All Types
- Email
- Phone
- Walk In
- Other
- Source - new to this screen is the ability to specifiy a specific source of the incoming lead, multiple sources can be selected here
Lead Matching Rules
The Lead Matching setting now focusses on the existing target leads
- Match on Type
- If Match on Type, select which types to match on
- Match on Source
- Match on Campaign
- Match on Yard
- Match on Listing Status
- Current
- Pending
- On Hold
- Sold
- Match Listing Make
- Match leads that are closed Lost
- Set the Timeframe of the Leads creation date to match within
From the Lead Matching dashboard, within the 3 dot menu there is a new Test Settings option
This allows a user to input a scenario by entering details on the incoming lead and existing leads to see which setting was picked up. Please note that this is a simple guide that will show the user which setting would have been picked up. It will highlight if multiple settings match the leads, with the most specific setting being 'weighted' and be applied
Incoming Lead
Firstly enter the data of the incoming lead to AutoPlay
- Incoming Lead type
- Incoming lead source
- Should this setting check for inactive lead sources
- Incoming lead campaign
- Should this setting check for inactive lead sources
- Incoming lead yard
- Incoming lead primary listing
Existing Leads
Adding in existing lead data will help detect if the setting will correctly match against the scenario you would like it to
- Existing lead type
- Existing lead status
- Existing lead created date
- Existing lead campaign
- Existing lead source
- Should this setting check inactive sources
- Existing lead Yard
- Existing lead primary listing
Test and Results
After clicking Test, at the bottom of the pop up it will notify is there are any settings that have picked up the scenario, and which was would have been applied
- Test Button
- Matched setting that was not applied
- Matched setting that was applied