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Role Management Overview
Role Management is available for Autoplay Users and users who are assigned to the 'Role Manager Admin' role. Managers can add or remove users to the Role, Non-Managers have view only access. Not all Roles can be administered to users with the ...
Managing Roles from the User Screen
Users with the 'Role Manager Admin' and the 'User Admin' see the Role section on the 'User' screen. This shows the Roles that the user has been assigned to, including those where they are set to Manager. Those Users flagged as 'Manager' will ...
Role Management - Role Manager Admin
Role Overview Users in this role will have access to the'Role Management' and the 'Role Groups' screens in Company Settings. This will provide Users with the ability to see what Roles have been assigned to the Dealer. On opening the record, you ...
Role Management - Listings Role
The LISTINGS role controls who can view and edit listings. The role has 2 levels; 1. Adding a User to the role will give the User view access to see those listings. This also means they can choose these listings when using Sales Pipeline. However ...
Role Management - Managing Notifications
Splitting Role Notifications In 20.8.1 we improved the way Notifications are handled within selected roles. Where previously in app Notifications, Email and SMS notifications were controlled via a single 'Notifications' check box we've now added ...