Lead Locations

Lead Locations


With the 24.3.1 Release, the concept of Lead Labels has been applied to accounts that use the Location functionality. Dealerships can choose between two default methods to apply a location to a lead

  1. Yard - Similar to how the yard is already applied to a lead, the location can be set on a lead based upon the yard of the primary listing.
  2. User - This option will pick up the user who is first assigned to a lead and apply their default location to the Lead. This can be applied when users are based in a static location but have the ability to sell vehicles from other yards or sites within the AutoPlay account.
Lead Locations will be built into the Analytics reporting platform in a near future update and will allow for an easier view of in dealership activity when viewing a multi-site account, and will also be the basis of building OEM and Group level reporting when a single AutoPlay dealership account needs to display as multiple locations to the parent account.


How to set up Locations:
To set up locations a user must have the Lead Manager Admin managerial permissions in AutoPlays role management, please check in with the AutoPlay Support team or your account manager if you need this access but can not see it. There is a Location field within the User Details page, however to have this functionality populate it must be done from the Locations admin screen. This will replace the free text field with a drop down.

Settings > Sales Pipeline Settings > Locations > +

Name - Name of the location
VMS ID - An internal reference field if required (not used or displayed anywhere else currently)
Users - Users can be added to a location from this screen or through the User Detail screen individually

Default Location Allocation
AutoPlay has been configured so that Locations are automatically applied to a lead when it is created. This will have two default options available, and work down through a hierarchy to define the leads location

Settings > Company Settings > My Company > Account Preferences

Default Lead Location - this drop down allows the dealership to decide how they would like for their locations to be defaulted to a lead

  1. Yard - Similar to how the yard is already applied to a lead, the location can be set on a lead based upon the yard of the primary listing.
  2. User - This option will pick up the user who is first assigned to a lead and apply their default location to the Lead. This can be applied when users are based in a static location but have the ability to sell vehicles from other yards or sites within the AutoPlay account.

My Details:
A user can now be set a default location as well as be associated to multiple locations.

Settings >  Company Settings > My Details [ Or My Users if doing on behalf of another user] 

The default location will be used where required to apply the location to a lead. Where a user is associated with multiple locations, this will allow the user to select them from the drop down within the lead if any changes are required.

My Yards:
Similarly to users, Yards are also able to have a default location applied to them.

Settings > Company Settings > My Yards > Yard

Depending on how the default is set at company level,  when a listing is attached to the lead, the location will be set as per the yard that it belongs to (this is how yard is set on leads).


A new drop down option is available now within the Lead Details section on a lead

There will also be a new drop down on the lead dashboard


Coming Soon

Group Level Reporting

Coming Soon

Location Mapping Workflow

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