Lead Dashboard Exclusion Filtering

Lead Dashboard Exclusion Filtering

As part of the 22.11.1 release, a new setting has been created to allow for specific selections from the Lead Events, Lead Progress or Lead Labels to be excluded from the returned results on the dashboard.


This settings is provisioned within the My Company settings under the Dealership Attributes

Settings > Company Settings > My Company > Dealer Attributes > "Enable ' Exclude' options on filters"

Lead Dashboard

Once this setting is enabled on an account, a new '3 - click' selection mechanism is added to 
  1. Lead Events
  2. Lead Progress
  3. Lead Labels
When using these filter options, click to select a value as normal

If the same value is selected again, instead of de-selecting the option, it puts it into a new excluded selection that is marked in grey with a cross instead of red with a tick selection

Clicking the selection a third time will remove the selection completely. 

In the below selections , the dashboard will be displaying any lead that has the Lead Labels of "All Docs Received" and "Quoted" but does not have "Broker Reviewed"

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