How To Navigate

How To Navigate is designed to be easy to navigate.  Check out the video below to watch a short video detailing some basic navigation tips and tricks.

For simplicity the main navigation menu is located on the left hand side of the screen - just like the iOS app and the old Silverlight Studio.  

The menu is divided into sections that can be expanded or collapsed as required.  Clicking on each menu item will open that menu.  

If at any stage you need more space to view the page content you can hide the navigation menu using the < button.  When you view a page such as an individual lead or listing, you can return to the previously viewed page using the back button on your browser, or by clicking on the relevant menu item and navigating back.

In certain instances you might want to open a new screen, but keep the current screen open.  You can do this by opening the Profile menu on the right hand side of the red header, and clicking on the 'Open New Tab' button.