How To Manually Create A Lead

How To Manually Create A Lead

There are several ways to create a new Lead in
  1. Via Prospect Activity  
  2. Via Address Book
  3. Via Listings
  4. Via Dashboard
  5. Via Appraisals Dashboard or Standalone Appraisals

This support article will focus on loading a lead via the Sales Pipeline Dashboard.  To create a lead from your Dashboard click on the + icon in the grey action menu, and select the 'New Lead' option.

On the 'Add New Lead' screen you can manually type in your customers details.  However it is also possible to use the built in Drivers Licence Scanner or Business Card Scanner to automatically pick up the customers details. 

The scanning functionality can be accessed on any device where a camera is detected, but works best via tablet or smartphone.  To scan a Drivers Licence or Business Card click on the camera icon in the grey action menu as circled below.  Click HERE to find out more about Drivers Licence and Business Card Scanning. 

Once you hit the camera icon you you may need to give permission to access your devices camera, which you need to accept in order to scan a Drivers Licence.  If you accidentally 'Decline' then search our FAQ's for "I Cannot Take Photos". 
  1. To scan a Drivers Licence ensure you choose the 'Driver Licence' option on the green toggle
  2. To scan a Business Card ensure you choose the 'Business Card' option on the green toggle
  3. If you choose 'Business Card' and scan a Drivers Licence (or vice versa) your scan will not work

In order to scan correctly the following conditions must be met;
  1. You must have the Drivers Licence or Business Card positioned within the green frame.  
  2. You must have the device still and stable so your image is not blurry
  3. You must have adequate light in order to scan correctly - natural light works best
  4. The Drivers Licence must not be dirty or damaged
  5. Business Cards with reflective layers may not scan well
If all the conditions above are met it is possible that AutoPlay does not recognise the format of the licence.  If this arises contact AutoPlay and we will look into it with our OCR supplier.

You can also search your customer database using the green 'LOOKUP' button.  This will search throughout all of your customer database for a matching contact based on the customer info you have entered.  If you have DMS/CRM integration this search will be across all of the contacts that are sent to AutoPlay from the DMS/CRM.

If the customer has any open leads against their name you will see a red button labelled 'VIEW LEADS (x)' - with the number of open leads in brackets.  You can click on the 'VIEW LEADS' button to view a brief summary of that lead.

If your customer does not exist you can cancel to finish completing your lead on a new customer record.  If one of the records on the 'Existing Customer' screen does match your customer, click on that record to select them.  If any of the details you have entered differ from the existing customer record selected you will see a screen to 'Confirm Details'. 
  1. If you leave the details checked they will update against the existing contact
  2. If you un-check the details the details just entered will be discarded in favor of the details already stored against the customer in the database

If the address has been picked up from the Drivers Licence or Business Card it will be populated within the address section.  If not you can manually enter this or click on the 'LOOKUP' button underneath the address field to lookup via Google.

is now a 'POSTAL ADDRESS' button on the 'Add New Lead' screen.  The section is collapsed by default, and clicking on the button will display the Postal Address fields.  You can tick the 'Same As Physical' check box to populate the fields with whatever is currently in the standard Address fields.

If the customer is with you at the time it is recommended that salespeople present the Privacy Policy to the customer to sign by clicking on the 'VIEW & SIGN' button in the 'Privacy Policy' section.  The Privacy Policy document is a PDF that can be loaded via Settings>Listing Settings>Images.  You can find out more about adding Privacy Policies HERE.

If your customer does not want to be contacted via marketing communication you can un-check the 'Opt in to future marketing communication'.  Un-checking this option will flag the contact record as 'Opted Out' which will stop the contact being emailed a bulk email via Live Leads or Email Campaigns.  The contact can still be send an individual SMS or individual Email Response.

The final step is to add some additional information about the lead.
  1. Type
    1. Select from Email, Phone, Walk In and Other
  2. Lead Source
    1. Select a Source from those available in your account.  You can only choose one source at a time.  If your Source list is long, use the keyword search to more easily find the source you are looking for.
  3. Lead Campaign
    1. As with Source, the Campaign field allows a keyword search and only one option can be chosen at a time.  If you have already selected a Listing then the only Campaigns available will be those set up with the appropriate Makes.
  4. Sub Campaign
    1. if you have Sub Campaigns set up once you have chosen a Campaign that has a Sub Campaign loaded the field will become visible.
  5. Listing 
    1. Wherever possible it is recommended that you qualify your lead to a listing. Refer article on How to add listing(s) to your Lead
    2. You can search your listings using a stock number, rego, make, model or variant.  You can also narrow down your search using the Yard drop-down.  The Listings visible are determined by the yards you have set up in the Listings role.  
    3. When a Brochureware listing  is selected, a search is made on 'Similar' in dealer listings, click HERE for more information 
  6. Notes
    1. There is a free text field to add any notes relevant to the lead. Refer article on How to add notes to your lead.

Once you have entered all the information relevant to your lead click on the 'ADD' button on the lower right corner of the screen.  If you have not completed the Mandatory Fields required to complete your lead you will see the field outlined in red, with all the missing fields listed at the bottom of the screen.

The default Mandatory Fields are one of First Name, Last Name and Company, one of Email, Mobile and Phone and Lead Type.  Mandatory Fields are customisable by account.  Click HERE to find out more about setting up Mandatory Fields.  

Once you have completed all your mandatory fields click 'ADD'.  If you have not previously completed a customer search using the 'LOOKUP' button, the system will force you to review matching Existing Customers.  If you have already completed a customer search you will not need to repeat this step.

Once you've selected the customer record if there is already an open lead against this customer the system will display these.  If you have rights to view the lead you can click on 'SELECT' to view it.  

If you do not have role management rights to view the lead you will see a 'Lead Summary' popup instead.  This 'Lead Summary' will display a summary of the important information about the lead, but will not enable the lead to be edited.  You can read more about the Manage Leads role HERE.

Once you are happy that you are not going to create a duplicate Customer or Lead record you can click 'CREATE' to create a brand new lead.


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