How To Track If Your Customer Has Viewed Your Video Email Response

How To Track If Your Customer Has Viewed Your Video Email Response

In when you send any email that you to customers that includes video, you will be able to track how many times that email was viewed.  Within each Lead screen is a section for Email & SMS comms labelled 'Communications'.

The 'Communications' section contains 3 types of Email records;

1.  Emails created but not sent (marked as draft with a pencil icon)
2.  Inbound Emails - any captured emails from a customer to the dealership (shown below as the record created at 10.05am with the inbound icon)
3.  Outbound Emails - any email sent from the dealership via (shown below as the record created at 10.03am with the outbound icon)

When an email is sent, and the customer views the video on your email you will see a small red circle with a count of the number of times they watched the video on your email.  

Clicking on the outbound email record will load the View Email screen.  In the action menu you can click on 'History' to view a full breakdown of all the times the customer viewed your email.

The 'History' popup will display the key milestones on the email;
  1. SENT - The date/time that the email left AutoPlays mail servers
  2. READ - The date/time that the email was opened in the web version, or when images are downloaded.  Please note, just reading the email text in your inbox may not trigger the 'Read' date/time
  3. VIEWED - If your email has a video element then when this video is watched, each time the video is viewed it will record a 'Viewed' line item in the History popup.  This will also update the count in the 'Communications' section

In addition the date and time the email was 'Sent' and 'Read' is available within the 'Email' section on the View Email screen.  

In it is also possible to capture any replies that customers make to your emails.  Click HERE to find out more about capturing customer replies.

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