Pre-Set Appraisal Reconditioning Costs

Pre-Set Appraisal Reconditioning Costs

Re-conditioning Items are available for specific groups - currently Boat, Car and Motorhome with Dealers having the ability to have  a set of default sub-items applied to their account or create their own.  

Only users who  have the 'Lead Manager Admin' role you can access the set up screen via Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings>Appraisal Recondition to create Sub Items. 

From here you have the options of creating your own dealer specific Sub-items. Select the item you wish to edit and via the 'Item Values' section (click on the ADD button to add as many as you wish).

In addition to creating your own sub-items, there is a set of Autoplay defaults that can be applied to your account.  Please contact Autoplay Support to have these added.  Note these can only be added where no custom records exist.

When creating an Appraisal Form and adding pre-set reconditioning costs you can then click on the item fields to access a drop down of any of the pre-set values that you've set up - saving time loading your reconditioning costs and ensuring your sales team load consistent reconditioning prices.

Have a look at the Support Video

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