Fleet Business Leads

Fleet Business Leads


To better account for the complete business sales activities, AutoPlay has created a new Lead Type to handle Fleet Business leads. These leads will allow the Fleet team to register multiple listings against a single lead. Leads will have a new Sale Type added to them

  1. Business Leads - Fleet leads, allow for multiple vehicles to be sold on a single lead
  2. Private Leads - Existing Sales Pipeline leads

All leads will appear on the existing lead dashboard, and a new filter will be available to cycle between their visibility. Business Leads will not have a primary listing attached, and appear with a Business Lead icon on the dashboard.

Provisioning and Roles

Fleet Leads Role
This role acts similarly to the Manage Leads Role. Both Users and Yards will need to be added, with users that are marked as managers able to see other users who are in the same role and yard structures Fleet Leads. There is a Role Attribute available that will enforce that each vehicle has the Identifier field filled in before a lead can be Close Won.

Enabling this role allows for the included users to have visibility of the lead Sale Type

  1. Business Leads - Fleet leads, allow for multiple vehicles to be sold on a single lead
  2. Private Leads - Existing Sales Pipeline leads

New Lead Screen

When the Fleet Leads role has been applied to an account and the user is included, they will now have a new Lead Sale Type option available when creating a new lead. Business leads will allow for multiple listings to be attached to a lead and accounted for as sales, Private leads will be the existing lead structure within the AutoPlay Sales Pipeline.

Lead Dashboard

Business and Private Leads will both be accessed from the existing lead dashboard. A new filter has been applied to switch between the new Lead Sale Types

Leads will also be visibly differentiated as Business leads will not have a primary vehicle attached instead have a fleet icon and a count of the listing involved in the detail. 

There is also a new '+' option next to the vehicle count, this expands into a pop out that will give more details of the listings included with the Business lead.

Lead Detail Screen

The lead detail screen will change slightly when a lead is marked as a Business Lead. There is a drop down option to toggle the Lead Sale Type, this is housed at the top of the Lead Details section however the major change is the way that the lead handles the listings.

Listings are able to be selected from a dealership's stock, or virtual Brochureware listings. Once selected a new 'Add' button apepars under the Listing summary that allows for extra vehicles of the same type to be included also. Each vehicle has a Vehicle Identifier field so that unique IDs are able to be stored against the vehicles, this field can be made Mandatory in the Role Attributes section of the Fleet Leads role provisioning.

Analytics Reporting

If Business Leads are enabled for the dealerships or groups accounts, there will be new filters available to toggle between including this or seeing only or a mix of Private leads also. This toggle will initially only be visible on select widgets, but will gradually find its way onto more of the platform.

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