Email Template Data Field Tags

Email Template Data Field Tags

AutoPlay Field Email Tag - CASE SENSITIVE
My Company
Company Name @[BODY_NAME]
Company Short Name (Menu) @[BODY_SHORT_NAME]
Company Contact @[BODY_CONTACT]
Company Street Address @[BODY_STREET]
Company Suburb @[BODY_SUBURB]
Company City @[BODY_CITY]
Company Phone @[BODY_PHONE]
Company Fax @[BODY_FAX]
Company Mobile @[BODY_MOBILE]
Company Email @[BODY_EMAIL]
Company Finance Email @[BODY_EMAIL_FINANCE]
Company Web Address @[BODY_WEB]
Yard Details (based on lead yard)
Yard Street Address @[BODY_YARD_STREET]
Yard Web Address @[BODY_YARD_WEB]
Contact Details
Contact First Name @[CONTACT_FIRST_NAME]
Contact Last Name @[CONTACT_LAST_NAME]
ContactFull Name @[CONTACT_NAME]
Contact Company @[CONTACT_COMPANY]
Contact Street Address @[CONTACT_STREET]
Contact Suburb @[CONTACT_SUBURB]
Contact City @[CONTACT_CITY]
Contact Postcode @[CONTACT_POSTCODE]
Contact Email @[CONTACT_EMAIL]
Contact Phone @[CONTACT_PHONE]
Contact Fax @[CONTACT_FAX]
Contact Mobile @[CONTACT_MOBILE]
Contact Web Address @[CONTACT_WEB]
Contact Id @[CONTACT_SEQ]
Contact Preferred Name @[CONTACT_PREFERRED_NAME]
Contact Preferred Fullname @[CONTACT_PREFERRED_FULL_NAME]
Sales Person Details
Sales Person First Name @[USER_FIRST_NAME]
Sales Person Last Name @[USER_LAST_NAME]
Sales Person Full Name @[USER_NAME]
Sales Person Job Title @[USER_TITLE]
Sales Person Mobile @[USER_PHONE_MOBILE]
Sales Person Phone @[USER_PHONE_BUSINESS]
Sales Person Email @[USER_EMAIL]
Listing Details
Listing Stock Number @[LISTING_STOCK_NO]
Listing Year @[LISTING_YEAR]
Listing Make @[LISTING_MAKE]
Listing Model @[LISTING_MODEL]
Listing Variant @[LISTING_VARIANT]
Listing Registration @[LISTING_PLATE]
Listing Body Type @[LISTING_BODY_TYPE]
Listing Price @[LISTING_PRICE]
Listing Special Price @[LISTING_PRICE_SPECIAL]
Listing Odometer @[LISTING_ODOMETER]
Listing CC @[LISTING_CC]
Listing Transmission @[LISTING_TRANSMISSION]
Listing Colour @[LISTING_COLOUR]
Listing Comments @[LISTING_COMMENTS]
Listing Features @[LISTING_FEATURES]
Listing Fuel Type @[LISTING_FUEL_TYPE]
Listing Price Display @[LISTING_PRICE_DISPLAY]
Listing Price Special Display @[LISTING_PRICE_SPECIAL_DISPLAY] Not for SMS
Listing Price Normal Display @[LISTING_PRICE_NORMAL_DISPLAY]
Listing Title @[LISTING_TITLES]
Listing Price Wholesale @[LISTING_PRICE_WHOLESALE]
Email Sale Gross @[EMAIL_SALE_GROSS]
Lead Yard Name @[LEAD_YARD_NAME]
Lead Yard Address @[LEAD_YARD_ADDRESS] Not for SMS
Lead Yard Email @[LEAD_YARD_EMAIL]
Lead Yard Phone @[LEAD_YARD_PHONE]
Lead Created Date

To pull text inside the template 


Appraisal Fields for referencing

Appraisal Declarations in Full - Question + Answer     @[DECLARATION_ID]
Declaration Question                                                      @[DECLARATIONQUESTION_ID]
Declaration Answer                                                         @[DECLARATIONANSWER_ID]

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