Custom Lead Fields

Custom Lead Fields

Part of the AutoPlay 23.4.1 release included a new feature that can aid OEMs, Dealer Groups and dealerships themselves with allowing for custom information to be saved to a lead


The custom field admin screen is tied in with the existing Lead Manager Admin role, managers within this role will be able to see a new menu item in sales pipeline settings

Settings > Sales Pipeline Settings > Lead Custom Fields

Lead Custom Fields Admin Screen

This screen will show all the custom fields that are available to an account.  To add in a new Custom field, click the '+' button

Client: This will default to the account that the setting is created in
Group: IF the field is intended to display for a Dealer Group or OEM Group, then the correct option must be selected here
Title: A Title for the Field
Display Name: Text that will display in the lead for the lead field
Type: Type of data to be entered into the field
Order: In which order should the field display (Group Fields are placed above the Dealership Fields)
VMS ID: An option when receiving a custom field from a third party to identify the 3rd party systems field ID
Active: If checked the field is visible on every lead

Lead Detail Screen

The custom lead fields will display in the Lead Detail section within the Lead Detail screen


As part of the 23.5.1 Lead API release, custom fields will be able to be saved and retrieved as part of normal lead activity flow

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