Contact Labels

Contact Labels


Expanding on the current Listing and Lead label functionality, this feature now allows labels to be directly attached to an AutoPlay customer. As a result, customers can be easily filtered in the address book or targeted in a database campaign for more focused marketing efforts.


Contact Labels are controlled via an account wide role, Contact Label

This role allows for users to be added, simply adding them will have no effect, if they are marked as a manager, they will then have access to the Contact Label Admin screens and be able to add and remove them on the account. The Contact Label Admin screen is found

Settings > Sales Pipeline Settings > Contact Label Types

Creating a Contact Label

If the account creating the label is a Master account of a group, Contact Labels can be created for the entire dealership network. They can also be created at the individual account level.

Clicking on the + button in the top right corner of the Contact Label Dashboard you will have the below screen

  1. Account to apply the label
  2. Group to apply the label to
    1. Any Group = Master account only
  3. Label Name as it will appear on the Contact
  4. Colour picker for label
  5. VMS ID
  6. Order the Label will appear
  7. Active / Inactive check box

Contact Details

Once the role is added to the account and labels have been provisioned

Contact Labels will be available to add or remove directly from the Contact Detail screen. This is similar in behavior to other label types that already existing in AutoPlay, by clicking the Grey label icon, you will be presented with a list of available labels for selection. There is n 'x' option directly on the label to remove it.

Lead Detail Screen

The Contact Labels will also appear within the Contact accordion on the Lead Detail screen. These will be displayed as Icons, and will reveal the label name on hover

Address Book

A new Filter has been added to the Address Book screens that will allow for the database to be searched based upon the labels. Note that this dropdown is enabled to have the 'Exclude' function available if this is enabled on the account. It is multi select by default, this behaves as an 'or' function.

Contact Databases

There is a new Type selection of  "Contact" that will search specifically for Contact Labels

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