Release Notes - Version 24.6.1 Released 1st July 2024 Release Notes - Version 24.6.1 Released 1st July 2024

Global Inactive User Policy (SPW-9058)

AutoPlay has implemented a global inactive user policy across all accounts as part of its password policy. While other password and authentication options remain unchanged, users who have not logged in for 90 days will receive a warning email notifying them that their account will be deactivated if they do not log in within 7 days. This measure ensures that former employees at dealerships can no longer access any private customer information.

Quick Load Lead View (SPW-8798)

A new quick load lead screen designed for mobile users now displays only the minimum requirements set by your account, making it easier to load leads quickly and efficiently.

Listing Availability Visibility (SPW-8540)

A new section on the listing detail screen now highlights when a listing is on a Test Drive or Loan and shows any upcoming booked Test Drives.

GST Configurable Settings for Cars (SPW-9007)

AutoPlay now offers the option to mark cars as either inclusive or exclusive of GST. This feature, primarily controlled at the yard level, ensures that commercial vehicles are quoted and advertised at the correct prices.

AutoPlay VDP Pages Have Configurable Lead Attribution Options (VDP-260)

The AutoPlay VDP page now allows you to configure the Lead Source, Campaign, and Labels that can be attributed to any submission from the page.

Campaigns With End Dates Have Active Selection Automatically Removed (SPW-8875)

When using a time-based campaign with a specified end date, the campaign will now be marked as inactive upon reaching its expiry date.

Assorted Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. (SPW-9102) Issue editing Km's on an appraisal on mobile devices fixed
  2. (SPW-8906) Amended an issue with the wholesaler quote email links
  3. (SPW-8881) AutoGrab look ups can be run without a lead or appraisal

Trade Me API System Amendments 

  1. (SPW-9210) Bulk Yard updates remove listings from TM
  2. (SPW-9183) Remove TM ID when listing is removed from Dealerbase
  3. (SPW-9182) Listings are triggered for export when only images are updated
  4. (SPW-9181) Youtube links were not sending correctly
  5. (SPW-9174) AP users have access to Full Re-sync option at export level
  6. (SPW-9165) Endpoint update to accommodate parameter query for Auxiliary details
  7. (SPW-9159) Amendments for when yards are removed from an export
  8. (SPW-9158) Updates to remove orphaned TM listings
  9. (SPW-9162) Update to a hidden premium vehicle flag causing an issue on export
  10. (SPW-9150) New check for yards that are not included in TM exports
  11. (SPW-9141) New check for Fuel Saver Import Working when populating transmission
  12. (SPW-9133) New checks for when listings move yards
  13. (SPW-9132) System Email Manager now checks to trigger exports
  14. (SPW-9131) Export screen did  not show for Farm Machinery
  15. (SPW-9129) New Validation export limit validation checks
  16. (SPW-9091) Listings Status changes are now checked for exports
  17. (SPW-9071) Only listings with TM ID are sent to delete queue
  18. (SPW-9065) Updates to the way export messages are logged in AP
  19. (SPW-8995) New UI Updates for AP users for Branch call data
  20. (SPW-8987) MetaData can now be retrieved at Make level
  21. (SPW-8970) API Log screen now displays what call was being made
  22. (SPW-8965) AP Make and Model database now also shows TM IDs
  23. (SPW-8936) TM Export warnings now display more data on what the error is
  24. (SPW-8895) Update to how comments are displayed for greater visibility