Release Notes - Version 22.10.1 Released 1st November 2022 Release Notes - Version 22.10.1 Released 1st November 2022

The 22.10.1 was an AutoPlay Technical Debt sprint and was used to improve many of the functions in the back end to find efficiencies for our development and support teams.

Account Specific Contact Matching Rules (SPW-6477)

A new option is available in My Company settings that will allow an account-level rule to be placed above the default Contact matching rules. By default, the existing contact matching rules will apply unless another option is set
  1. Mobile and Email and one Name field (Name includes Company Name)
  2. Mobile or Email and one Name field (Name includes Company Name)
  3. Mobile and Email only
  4. Mobile or Email only

Business Hours Have Fill Down Option (SPW-6582)

To make it easier to fill out the business and appointment hours within AutoPlay, there is now a fill down button that copies down the values that are set in the Monday fields.

Open Session Saved Details (SPW-6157)

A new feature to identify when if a user has a lead open on their device, and that same lead subsequently has information changed and saved by a third party before the lead is saved locally, the user will be prompted whether they would like to keep the changes or revert them

AutoPlay Support Now Able To Create FTP Credentials

Ability for the AutoPlay Support team to now be able to create FTP Credentials on as part of the onboarding process

Automations: Brakes Only Show When They Are Applicable (SPW-5608)

The Brakes section will now only display on the Automations provisioning screen if the Automation is set up so that they have a chance to apply. This means that if there is no delay in sending a communication or performing an action, then the whole section will not be visible.

Assorted Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. Sales Pipeline Preferences amended for AP1 users (SPW-6618)
  2. Updates to Reserved Vehicle process (SPW-6616)
  3. Rewards KPI amendments (SPW-6613)
  4. Role Management Table updates (SPW-6612)
  5. Fixed Time Zone issue with Automations (SPW-6603)
  6. Render Videos previewing in AutoPlay (SPW-6519)
  7. Partial Search is now enabled on Lead Source field within Lead Detail Screen (SPW-6327)
  8. Copy User Roles and Duplicate User now handled by background process (SPW-6610)