In 20.9.1 we've improved the clarity of system messaging when running PPSR to more descriptively inform the user of the PPSR lookup's success or failiure
- If the connection to SS/PPSR cannot be made – “The PPSR search is not currently returning results from the 3rd party provider, please try again later”
- If the connection is able to be made but the record cannot be returned – “The record cannot be found from the PPSR check. Please check the details you have entered and try again”
- If the query is successful – “Your PPSR lookup was successful. Please review the data to ensure accuracy”
Automation - 'Reallocate To Manager' Action (SPW-2958)
As we continue to expand our Automation offering we've been getting feedback on what dealers want to use Automation for. One of the tools that many dealers believed would help them manage their sales team was the ability to automatically reallocate leads to other users (managers or otherwise) under certain scenarios. In 20.9.1 we've added an additional Action called 'Reallocate Lead'.
If a lead meets the conditions set up in this automation record (i.e yards, users, source etc) once if hits the trigger it will automatically reallocate the lead to a new user (who will receive a new lead allocation notification). With this setting it's now possible to remove leads from users who are not doing anything with them, and reassign to make sure your customers are getting the required level of service. Actions are not available on every Automation trigger, with the following triggers allowing for the 'Reallocate Lead' action.
- Lead Inactive
- Lead Not Updated
- Lead Overdue
- Lead Stalled
- Lead Progress Not Updated
As you can see from the types of triggers it is available for, the 'Reallocate Lead' function should only be used to reallocate only the leads that are getting severely neglected by the sales team. When setting up the Automation record you need to select the 'Reallocate Lead' action, set the timeframe after the trigger hits that you want it to reallocate (i.e 1 hour after the lead becomes Stalled) and the user you want to reallocate the lead to. Leads can only be reallocated to one user and they can be a manager, or non-manager.
As there could be multiple managers in the Manage Leads role it is required for you to specify the recipient of the reallocated leads. The best approach to setting up this automation setting is to add Yard and User groupings to the Automation filters, and select the manager who looks after that yard/user grouping.
Automation - Multi Select Yards, Models & Body Types With Monthly Automated Emails (SPW-3942, SPW-3921)
When setting up Automation records for Monthly Live Leads eDM's it is now possible to set up multiple Makes and Models when specifying the listings you want to include. Unlike On Demand Live Leads, when setting up Monthly Live Leads the automation setting is not matching against the vehicle the customer has specifically enquired upon. To ensure the right people get the right vehicles on their Live Leads you can set up your Automation record to only trigger to certain Yards or Makes (i.e Audi & BMW), and then specify that the only cars included on the email are the Makes/Models included in the 'Include Listings' section. This increases the chances that customers receive a Live Leads eDM with vehicles that are relevant to them.
Similarly, in 20.9.1 it's now possible to select multiple Yards when setting up your 'Include Listings' rules for Monthly Live Leads. This ensures that the email will only include listings from the yards specified, and like the Make/Model filter outlined above ensures the recipients are receiving the most relevant content to them.
In 20.9.1 it's also possible to set up in advance the Body Type(s) of the listings you want to include in your Monthly Live Leads. This feature can be useful if you are targeting a certain type of buyer such as Commercial or Passenger customers, where you know the types of vehicles that are appropriate to send. For example; you run a web campaign where you are capturing leads for Fieldays. You know the audience is most interested in Utes and SUV's and so you only want to include these emails in your automation settings.
Automation - Allow Live Leads Campaigns To Be Delivered Via SMS (SPW-3922)
When manually sending Live Leads eDM's or other Email Campaigns you have always had the option to deliver the campaign via SMS instead of email. When you choose this option it sends your Live Leads/Email Campaign as a link within a SMS instead of as an HTML email. In 20.9.1 we've expanded our Automation capabilities so that we can replicate this process automatically.
When setting up a Monthly or On Demand Live Leads/Email Campaign in Automation, you can select 'Send As SMS' when configuring your email. With this option ticked, provided you have the SMS Gateway set up and the 'SMS Campaign' role enabled, you can SMS your campaign instead of emailing it. When this option is selected you will need to complete the additional field 'SMS Intro Text' in order to save your setting. This field controls what message is displayed in the body of the SMS (the link is generated automatically).
Please note that you are charged for each SMS that is sent externally via Automation - so please be aware this can generate high volumes of SMS being sent depending on your objectives and the way your Automation setting has been configured. Any SMS Campaign sent on a Monthly basis via Automation will also be logged in the 'SMS Campaigns' screen.
Automation - Assorted Improvements
In 20.9.1 we have made a number of small but important improvements to better meet dealer requirements for Automation. These improvements include;
1. Minimum Number Of Listings For Live Leads (SPW-3938)
When Automating Live Leads it now requires a minimum of 3 listings before it will trigger a Live Leads type email. In scenarios where there are not enough matching listings - even when taking into account the Fill Priority rules - it will not trigger the Live Leads to be sent. Instead it will write a record to the Automation History to say “Automated Live Leads Failed - Not Enough Matching Listings”. This only applies when sending Live Leads emails - not Email Campaign or Email Responses.
2. Added Leads Created In Last X Days To All Triggers (SPW-3939)
When setting up Automation triggers the account may have a lot of old leads that have yet to be closed lost. In some scenarios it's appropriate to reach out to these cold leads, whilst in others you may want to ensure that your automation trigger only triggers against more recent leads. When setting up a new Automation trigger you can now add the age of the leads you want to be triggered against - giving dealerships greater control over who they contact and why.
3. Added Time Picker To Monthly Live Leads/Email Campaign Automation (SPW-3940)
When setting up Live Leads or Email Campaigns to run Monthly we now have a time picker to supplement the existing day selection options. Dealers can now specify exactly when their Live Leads/Email Campaign will be sent rather than just the day - meaning if you get better responses from emails sent at 8am, you can schedule this in advance.
4. Added 'Process Each Lead Only Once' Checkbox (SPW-3943)
The previous iteration of Automation had some rules bakes into certain triggers to ensure that they didn't trigger repeatedly if it wasn't appropriate to do so. For example if checking for leads that reached Test Drive Progress you do not want to necessarily keep emailing a customer for as long as the lead remains at Test Drive. These settings were baked in, however they were invisible and not configurable. In 20.9.1 it's now possible to specify whether you want automation to trigger only once on each automation trigger, or trigger multiple times if appropriate. Existing Automation settings have been automatically set up to trigger only once with the exception of 'Customer Replied To Email/SMS', and 'Email/SMS Failed To Send' triggers.
An example of where it is appropriate to trigger multiple times is when a lead is Inactive. You may decide it's appropriate to send a notification to the owner of that lead every 4 hours until he updates the lead record.
5. The Lead Inactive Timeframe Can Now Be Specified By Hours & Minutes (SPW-3945)
When configuring the 'Lead Inactive' trigger it is now possible to specify the "inactive" period by Hours and Minutes, instead of only by the number of Days. This enables this trigger to be more widely utilized as an alternative to 'Lead Not Updated' or 'Lead Progress Not Updated' triggers.
6. Added 'Status' Setting To Control Automation Triggers On All Lead Statuses (SPW-3983)
In earlier iterations the majority of Automation triggers would only trigger against 'Open' Leads. We've now added a drop down selection to allow users the control to specify whether they want the automation to be triggered against All Leads, only Open Leads, only Closed Leads or even more granular - only Closed Lost or Closed Won leads. The type of action or message that might be appropriate for an Open Lead vs a Closed Won Lead could be quite different and this setting now provides far more transparency over which leads will trigger the automation.
7. Added An Additional 'Brake' Setting For 'Reopened Leads' (SPW-3916)
Hand in hand with the ability to configure Automation for Closed Leads we now have a new 'Brake' setting called 'Lead Reopened'. This brake will ensure that if you are communicating with a Closed lost lead and the lead is reopened that it will no longer trigger the automation record. This is designed to help ensure the context of your messages is appropriate to your audience.
In September we continued to build out our AutoPlay Rewards functionality including;