The AutoPlay VDP Pages are the next evolution from the APSR pages that are on many AutoPlay data clients websites. The VDP pages have been refreshed and modernised to offer a much more configurable experience to complement dealership websites.
Basic Provisioning
This guide is not a styling guide, that can be found
HERE. This is purely to outline the steps required to create the VDP Page and ensure that each accounts inventory that is displayed is able to have leads submit to the dealership.
Worth noting here is that the VDP Pages now use the AutoPlay Lead API to submit leads.
Dealer Group: VDP Group
To have vehicles displayed on their website, a dealership needs to be included in a new Dealer Group type VDP Group.
Admin > Client Admin > Dealer Groups
The VDP Dealer Groups can be for a single dealership as above, or be created for a Group or OEM. To do this, the VDP Group must be created from the 'Master' Account, and in the dealer selection screen individual dealers can be selected
Type = VDP Group
Client = Master Account for Set Up
New/Demo/Used = Which Vehicles to display. If blank this is defaulted to ALL
Name = Give the record a unique name (not just 'VDP Group' or 'VDP'), this will make it more easily identifiable
Dealers = Any Dealerships that need to have their inventory displayed
Dealer Yards = Dealership yards to be included for display
VDP Theme and Page Content
This section will be covered more in depth within the
styling guide, but is required to build the page and the scripts to pass on to the client website team
Admin > VDP Settings > Page Content
Theme Name = The Name of the css file that will control the page styling. NOTE: the above is named incorrectly, multi word records should be separated by a hyphen (-), Summit-Motors
Active = Is the theme live or not
Version = AutoPlay prefers the use of versioning the pages, this will give an easier option to revert if changes do not deploy correctly
Create New Version = This will create a carbon copy of the current version and allow a user to update styling changes
Extra Menu Options
This section allows for an AutoPlay user to generate the required page scripts to pass on to a web developer to deploy to a website
Dealer = AutoPlay account that you have created the VDP Group for
Dealer Group = Select the specific VDP Dealer Groyup
Yards = Not user here
Default Sorting = Select a default sort option for the page
Search Option = This is an extra configurable search parameter (see below)
Search Page = Search page URL
Details Page = Detail Page URL
Favourites Page = Favourites Page URL
Search Box Page = Search Box URL
Build - This button will generate the scripts
The returned scripts are not saved anywhere, so this will need to be copied and sent to the client. They can be generated at any time.
VDP Scripts
The VDP Scripts are what need to be entered onto a website to have the page display correctly. The scripts are returned according to the page that they need to be added to. There are two parts to the returned script, the div container that will be added to the page where the VDP needs to display, and then the script that needs to be added to the site to populate the data
Div Container - This is the first line of the returned script
<div id="vdp_search_holder"></div>
Enter this onto the website page where you would like for the page to display
Script - This controls the content and styling
config.BodyId = "0";
config.GroupId = "615";
config.Theme = "Summit Motors";
config.SearchURL = "[SearchPageURL]";
config.DetailURL = "[DeatilPageURL]";
config.FavouriteURL = "[FavouritesPageURL]";
config.DefaultSort = "latest-desc";
This needs to get entered to the site so that it will run on page load. On the AutoPlay controlled weebly websites, this is added to the footer section.
Please note that the URLs that are entered into the script builder screen are returned in the scripts
Page Search Options
This is an enhanced control of what is able to be searched for and displayed on the VDP search page. The below example is for the Skoda NZ used vehicle page.
Search Option Name = Unique name for the application
Dealer Name = AutoPlay Account Name
Dealer Group = VDP Dealer Group
Active = Is this setting live or not
Settings = The configurable options to apply to the search page
- Settings
- Make
- Model(s)
- Yard Region
- Listing Body Type
- Condition
- Yard Location
- Value
- Each setting will have different options for values
- Can Reset
- IF checked, this will allow a user on the site to reset this and view all configured dealership yards
Page Profile Config
This section will get covered in depth within the style guide, but its the main controller for things like selecting the style of search bar, verticle or horizontal, added of buttons and turning features on and off within all pages of the VDP
Once of the main features on this page though is the ability for the application to choose how to submit a lead
In the area highlighted above
Lead Type
Lead Source
Lead Campaign
Lead Labels
Are all able to be selected to control how these leads appear within a dealership.
Submitting Leads
As the VDP Pages use the AutoPlay Lead API, the dealerships will need to be given access to have this data submit to them. There is a specific Lead API record that controls all of the submissions for VDP
Admin > Client Admin > Dealer Groups > Record ID: 509
ANY dealership that is included in a VDP group, not just the Master account, need to be added to this Lead API record to receive leads.
In the example screenshot above, the record is owned by a single account, however, for the dealerships to recieve leads ALL of the highlighted dealerships will need to be in the Lead API Group 509