AutoPlay Analytics - How to personalise and manage AutoPlay Analytics reporting

AutoPlay Analytics - How to personalise and manage AutoPlay Analytics reporting

AutoPlay Analytics is the built in Analytics platform available to all AutoPlay Sales Pipeline customers as of October 2021.  AutoPlay Analytics is available via SALES PIPELINE>ANALYTICS REPORTING in as well as directly via  Users can login via their normal email and password.  Analytics is the replacement for and users the same role management logic to determine visibility of data at the Dealer and OEM level.  


There are 4 levels of Reports available in AutoPlay Analytics;
  1. Base Level - Base level report dashboards are set up by country (one set for NZ and one set for Aus) and are automatically available for any dealer that has had the 'Analytics Enable Pilot' role added
  2. Company/Dealer Level - Any report dashboard created within a Company/Dealer account can show to all (or selected Users in the account when Is Company Dashboard is ticked.  Alternatively when setting up a new Dealer/Company AutoPlay can copy the Base set to the Dealer/Company account to give full control over customising the report filtering
  3. Group Level - Any report dashboard created within a Group account can show within the group account, or be set to appear within dealer accounts within the Group.  Group level accounts can be created by a User in the Group account and shared with the rest of the account, before being made a Group level report.  Alternatively when setting up a new Dealer/Group AutoPlay can copy the Base set to the Group account to give full control over customising the report filtering
  4. User Level - Users are able to build their own personalised report dashboards to suit their requirements
Within Analytics there are two ways to filter report data;
  1. MASTER FILTERS - the Master Filter can be run manually whenever viewing any report dashboard (even those the User did not create).  This filter will change the data that report returns for the duration the report dashboard is viewed.  Exiting the report dashboard to view another report, or exiting Analytics will reset the report to the default widget filter configuration.  Changing the Master Filter will update ALL widgets on that report dashboard page.

  1. WIDGET FILTERS - When first deploying a widget the widget can be set up to default the report to the desired set of filters.  The Master Filter can be used to change this filter whilst the User is viewing the report, but it will always reset to whatever default configuration is chosen on the Widget Filters.   Whereas the Master Filter can be changed by any user on any report, the Widget Filters can only be set by Users with the correct permission (either during set up or at any point via the gear icon on each individual widget).  Setting the filters on a widget causes it to become the default filtering that will apply every time you log in to Analytics.  Adjusting the Widget Filters will only change how that particular widget loads - if there are multiple widgets on the report dashboard the filters will operate independently unless the Master Filter is used.  

A summary of how Users can filter is detailed below.

Level of Report Dashboard

Non Manager can filter manually via MASTER FILTER

Non Manager can config default WIDGET FILTERS

Managercan filter manually via MASTER FILTER
Manager  can config default WIDGET FILTERS
Base Level
Group Level
YesNo (unless Manager in Group account)
Dealer/Company LevelYesNoYesYes
User Level
Yes (if User created report dashboard)

Role Management

Access to AutoPlay Analytics is controlled via Role Management.  There are several relevant roles - each controlling a different element of access.

The 'Analytics Reporting' role enables AutoPlay to turn on Analytics Reporting for each individual dealership.  This role is Account based and only accessible to AutoPlay employees.  The Analytics Reporting role will make the Analytics Reporting screen visible upon next login within the main LHS navigation menu.  The role belongs to the Default Role Groups for NZ and AUS so every new dealership set up in AutoPlay is automatically granted access to the Analytics platform.

All users with access to Analytics can add, edit and delete widgets that they have personally set up under their own User account.  The 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role allows the user to add, edit & delete widgets on any Company level dashboards (see Hierarchy of reports in Analytics below for more information on the type of reports in Analytics).  The role does NOT allow the User access to edit any shared Base or Group Dashboards.  

The Analytics Reporting Admin role is a User specific role with the ability to set a User as a Manager.  This role can only be added by an AutoPlay employee, however it can be added to any Dealer or Group account where you want a User(s) to have control over the Company level Dashboard.  The role grants access to the 'Dashboard Management' screen via the ADMIN menu on the lower left corner of Analytics.  

  1. As a User who is NOT in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role they will not be able to access the 'Dashboard Management' screen at all
  2. As a User who is in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role but is NOT a Manager they will be able to access the 'Dashboard Management' screen, but will only be able to modify their own report dashboard visibility
  3. As a User who is in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role who is also ticked as a Manager they will be able to access the 'Dashboard Management' screen 

Role Setting in Analytics Settings Admin Role

Can View Dashboard Management screen

Can Edit myself in Dashboard Management screen

Can Edit Others in Dashboard Management screen
User NOT in role
User in role but NOT Manager
User in role and ticked as Manager

The Analytics Reporting Admin role also controls the ability to Delete report dashboards.   
  1. The Base set reports cannot be deleted
  2. Group level reports can only be deleted by Managers in the Group account.  Dealers who have access to the Group level reports cannot Delete shared reports
  3. Company/Dealer level reports can only be deleted by Managers in the Company/Dealer account
  4. User level reports can be deleted by the originating User or Managers in the Company/Dealer account
In scenario's where Users do not have the ability to delete a dashboard, users are able to choose to Hide using the Dashboard Management settings screen in Analytics (read Managing report visibility for more information on hiding reports).  

Dashboard Hierarchy

User in in Analytics Settings Admin Role Can Delete

Manager in Analytics Settings Admin Role Can Delete

                      AP1 User Can Delete

User Level
Dealer/Company Level
Group Level
No (unless in Parent Group account)
Base Level

The 'Analytics Settings Admin' role enables Users to access the 'Share To' options in the Dashboard Management screen.  The role can only be set by AutoPlay employees but can be set up within any account where the user requires control over visibility of reports.  

The Share To Options are;
      1. Not a Default Dashboard
      2. Is Company Dashboard
      3. Is Group Dashboard (If the user is in a Dealer Group)

Read Managing report visibility for more information on the 'Share To' options).  

The 'Analytics Help Admin' role gives Users access to edit the Dashboard/Widget help screens in Reporting Analytics. This role is only accessible to AutoPlay employees to add to an account and should ONLY be used by AP1 users.  Any changes made to the help content in account AP1, AP2 or AP3 will change the help content everywhere that widget is used.  It is not possible to customise help content on a individual, dealer or group basis.  All help content is global.  

The Analytics Help Admin role is Account and User based.  Any User given this role will have access to edit help guides in ADMIN>HELP PAGES.  To edit help guides simply find the widget (i.e kpi/chart/table) that you wish to document and add your content to the Info Box on the RHS.  The info box contains a full text editor and can accept text, image and even video content.  

The 'Analytics Security Admin' role gives  users access to the General Settings screen in AutoPlay Analytics. This screen is accessible via the ADMIN menu in the lower left corner of Analytics and controls;
  1. Widgets per page
  2. Default view by
  3. Default date range
This role is only accessible to add to an account by AutoPlay employees and should ONLY be set up against AP1 Users.  Any changes in the Analytics General Settings screen in Analytics in AP1 or AP2 accounts is global and will affect ALL Analytics accounts.

The 'Analytics HIDE BASE DASHBOARD' role will hide ALL the base set NZ and Australian reports that are maintained in AP2 and AP3 respectively.  With this role enabled the whole account will have all the default reports hidden without having to access the Report Admin screen and hide each report individually.  In this scenario all the widgets are still available to the dealership and/or OEM/Group but the dealership must build their own Report Dashboards.  


Managing report visibility within the Company/Dealership Account

It is only possible for a User to delete report dashboards that were;
  1. A User Level report created by the User
  2. A Dealer/Company Level if the editing User is a Manager in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role
If you are not a Manager you cannot delete Company level reports, and if you are not a User in a Group account you cannot delete Group Level reports.  No one can delete Base Level reports.  However it is possible to hide reports that you do not wish to see when you log into reporting. 
  1. If you are a User in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role you can hide reports in your own login
  2. If you are a Manager in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role you can hide reports for any user in your account
To hide reports access the DASHBOARD MANAGEMENT screen via the Admin menu in Analytics, then click on the report you wish to Show/Hide.  If a User is on the 'Visible Dashboards' selection then that User will see the report dashboard in their Analytics login.

To hide a report dashboard from a User you can select a User by clicking on them.  You can move Users from 'Visible' to 'Hidden' in bulk using the respective arrow icons.   If your list of Users is long the 'Filter' can be used to easily find the desired User.  Remember to click on SAVE to keep any changes you make on this screen. 

Every report dashboard created in Analytics will only be visible to the User who created the report dashboard by default.  If the logged in User is a Manager in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' role they will be able to tick the 'Is Company Dashboard' option to make it visible to all Users.  When new Users are created they will automatically have access to view this report dashboard - even if all of Users have previously manually been added to the 'Hidden' selection.  The 'Is Company Dashboard' once ticked cannot be reversed.  If you wish to make the report dashboard private again you must recreate it from scratch.  

By default all reports set as 'Is Company Dashboard' are set as Default whenever a new user is created.  However if you do not wish the report to be applied by default you are able to tick the 'Not a Default Dashboard' checkbox.  Ticking this option will not move all the current Users to the 'Hidden' selection so old users will retain visibility, however any new User created in the account will not automatically see the report dashboard.  The 'Not a Default Dashboard' checkbox is only visible for the Users within the account - a Group cannot change any user specific setting in any of the child accounts.  

Sharing Company reports with your Group Dealers

Once a report is set as 'Is Company Dashboard' within a Group account it is possible to share this out to any Group Dealers.  For example if BRAND A OEM has a report dashboard specifically filter to Brand A, New Cars and Source A & B, the report dashboard can be made available to all the child dealers in the entire Dealer Group

Ticking the 'Is Group Dashboard' will result in the DEALERS 'Visible Dashboards' and 'Hidden Dashboards' appearing.  

Clicking 'Is Group Dashboard' without ticking 'Is Company' will automatically tick 'Is Company' as a individual User cannot share their own personalised report – it must be shared with the company first.
  1. If new Dealer added to Group by default will see all Group Reports.  AutoPlay or Group will need to move the dealer to Hidden (it has been designed this way to ensure when adding a new dealer to a group that the new dealer sees shared Group reports by default without any additional set up)
  2. Only the Users who are Managers in the 'Analytics Reporting Admin' within the Parent account can tick/un-tick the 'Is Group Dashboard' checkbox.  These Users can untick 'Is Group Dashboard' to retract the shared report from the Dealers in the Group
By default after ticking the  'Is Group Dashboard' checkbox all Dealers in the Group are added to the 'Visible Dashboards' selection.  To hide a report User can select each Dealer to individually move the Dealer across to 'Hidden Dashboards' or use the arrow icons to move Dealers in bulk.  To make the report dashboard visible to a Dealer again move the Dealer back to the 'Visible Dashboards' selection.

Once a Group Level report is shared with a Dealer/Company the Dealer/Company can still hide the report in their own account using the USERS 'Visible/Hidden Dashboards'.

Creating personal report dashboards

Creating new report dashboards can be done by clicking on the '+ New Dashboard' at the bottom of the main LHS navigation menu.

Once you have given your new dashboard a Name and selected an icon click SAVE to proceed. 

Once you've saved you will be faced with a blank report - you will need to add widgets, charts and tables to your report.  To do so click on the '+ Add Widgets' button on the top right.  

You can search for the widget you want to add to your report dashboard via the 'Search widget' field.  To add a widget to your report dashboard simply click on the widget.  You can select multiple widgets at once, and add the same widget multiple times as desired.  In Analytics you have complete freedom to add whatever widgets you like to your report dashboard.  This means you can add the like for like widget, chart and table to the report dashboard or select completely different and unrelated widgets - it's completely up to each User.  Once you have added all the widgets you want you can collapse the '+Add Widget' menu by clicking on the arrow button.  If you want to modify this report dashboard later you can always revisit the '+Add Widget' menu.

The next step is selecting how you want your report to be filtered by default when first accessing Analytics each time.  Each widget in Analytics will still obey all the visibility rules built into each Users personal login - meaning Users will never be able to return data using the set up filters that they could not normally filter to regardless.  Once the report is set up, Users can still use the master filter to modify their report selection.  For example a Dealer may wish to view New & Demo leads by default, but provided they have rights to view Used leads they can always filter the report to Used post initial set up. 

The filtering options available in each widget vary depending on the kpi widget, chart or table but will contain a mix of the following options;
  1. KPI Type - some widgets will have different variations on how the widget can be presented (i.e by Lead, Test Drive or Sale)
  2. Date range - choose from pre-set date ranges or add a custom date range
  3. Previous Period - selected reports will have the ability to set a second comparison date range
  4. View By - Analytics allows most data table widgets to display data by Dealer, Yard, Salesperson, Make, Model, Listing Type (N,D,U), Source, Campaign, Retail/Non Retail.  This enables Users to slice and dice their data - for example filtering by specific Source and Make, but viewing by Salesperson
  5. Dealership - filter by selected Dealers (if logged in Group accounts)
  6. Yard - filter data by selected Yards
  7. Salespeople (incl Inactive) - filter by specific Users including Active and Inactive
  8. Makes - filter returned data by specific Makes
  9. Models - filter returned data by specific Models
  10. Listing Type - filter returned data by New, Demo, Used or No Listing
  11. Source - filter returned data by specific lead Sources
  12. Campaign - filter returned data by specific Campaigns
  13. Sub Campaigns - filter returned data by specific Sub Campaigns
All filtering options can be searched via keyword, can select multiple values and bulk select/deselect filters.

Once you are happy with the filtering set up click on the tick to build your report.  You can adjust the size of your widgets to suit your layout via the arrow icons in the bottom rh corner of each widget.

If you have added specific filters to your report you are able rename it via the Title field.  Each widget has a defined name that cannot be changed, but the Title added will append to the report to give it a more descriptive Title.

Once you have added a report you can always go back and adjust the pre-set filters by clicking on the gear symbol (note - on small widgets this will be hidden behind a 'More' menu.

If you just wish to temporarily change the filters on your report you can use the master filter 'Refine Report' located on the top right of the Analytics application.  This will allow Users to filter to whatever is desired but will reset to the default settings set up on each individual widget.

Setting Up New Dealers, Users, Report Dashboards and Report Widgets

Adding New Dealers or Groups
  1. Any new Dealer/Company OR Group account created in with the Default role group will automatically have access to the default Base set of Dashboards set for NZ/Australia respectively
  2. If the Dealer/Company OR Group requires the ability to customise the design or filtering of the report dashboard then the Base set of report dashboards can be copied to the specific Dealer or Group account

Adding New Dealers to a Group
  1. Any new dealer will automatically get any report dashboard set up in the parent of their group that is set as 'Is Group Dashboard'.  The Group can hide the report from new dealers by moving the dealer to the 'Hidden' selection on the Dashboard Management screen.

Adding New Users to a Dealer/Company
  1. Any new User added will by default have access to any report dashboard set as 'Is Company Dashboard'.  Reports can be hidden to new Users via the Dashboard Management screen.

Adding New Report Dashboards to Analytics
  1. Any new report dashboard created by AutoPlay will automatically become visible to all dealers using the Base set of report dashboards.
  2. AutoPlay will have the ability to copy any new report dashboard to any Dealer/Company or Group account that has had the Base reports deployed to their account (often done to provide the dealer/group with more control over filtering and resizing reports

Adding New Widgets, Charts, Tables to Analytics
  1. Any new kpi widget, chart or table will immediately become visible to all AutoPlay dealers in the '+Add New Widget' menu.  Unless AutoPlay specifically deploy a new report dashboard to the Base and any custom report dashboard sets the individual Dealer/Group would need to build their own report dashboard to showcase the new widgets.  
  2. In some cases AutoPlay may build any new kpi widget, chart or table that is specifically designed for a type of customer or use case - in which case the report will be attached to a specific Role to control access to that report (for example Prospect & CRM Report is only relevent to dealers that pay AutoPlay for the Prospect & CRM module, and thus is hidden from dealers that do not use this service.

Renaming, changing icons or deleting existing report dashboards

To change the name or icon used on an existing report dashboard users can navigate to the dashboard they wish to modify, then click on the gear icon to either 'Customise' or 'Delete'.  This option is only available when the user is a manager in the analytics roles, or when the report is owned by the individual user.

Clicking on 'Customise' will bring up a screen to change the name and icon.  Users can make any changes required and click SAVE, or navigate away to back out of any changes without saving.  

Clicking on 'Delete' will display a warning message letting Users know that once deleted, reports cannot be reinstated.  If you wish to only temporarily hide reports you can do so via the Dashboard Management menu instead.  To back out of the deletion click the small x or select 'Cancel'.  

TV Mode

A TV Mode is built into AutoPlay Analytics for Dealers/Groups that want to display their reporting on a screen within the dealership.  You can access TV Mode via the TV icon located at the top right of Analytics.  The TV Mode icon is made visible as soon as a report dashboard has been added to the TV MODE SETTINGS screen (see below).

When viewing TV Mode you will be able to view any report dashboards that have been set up to feature in TV Mode.  These reports will rotate through and occupy the full screen.  TV Mode can be closed by clicking the X button, or pressing ESC on the keyboard.

If  set up with access Users can access the configuration menu for TV Mode via the ADMIN>TV Mode Settings screen.  

Here it is possible to set the time it takes for each report dashboard to rotate through to the next report dashboard.  Only full minutes are allowed.  

To select reports to feature in TV Mode Users can drag and drop the report dashboards in 'Dashboards' into the 'TV Mode Dashboards' selection.  When dragging reports to the 'TV Mode Dashboards' selection, the report dashboard must be dragged to the top of the 'TV Mode Dashboards' until you see the dotted lines indicating you can release the report to drop it into the selection.  

You can control the report dashboard display and rotation order in the 'TV Mode Dashboards' selection by dragging and dropping up and down the display order.  

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