Automation Calendar Event Due

Automation - Calendar Event Due


  1. Add Automation 'Name'
  2. Select Trigger Type 'Calendar Event Due'
  3. Set 'Check Trigger Every' settings 
    1. From 5 minutes to 30 minutes
    2. From 1 hour to 8 hours
    3. From 1 day to 90 days
  4. Set 'Check Trigger' time will only apply when the 'Day' setting is selected and indicates that the trigger will run at 'x' time, 'x' day(s) after the lead went into 'Awaiting Action'
  5. Set 'Active' flag

Trigger Filters

  1. Type : Calendar Event Type
  2. Value: (All Calendar Event Types)
  3. Check to Exclude otherwise it will be included. 


Once the Trigger filters have been determined the following Communications types can be selected.  Depending on the Type selected there are delay, template and user type options that need to be selected. 
  1. Email Notification
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After (From 30 minutes to 1 Year) 
    3. Template (Lead Progress Not Updated)
    4. Subject (free text)
    5. Text  (pre-populated with required Text)
    6. User Type (Lead Managers, Lead Owner, Users)
  1. Email Response
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After  (From 30 minutes to 1 year intervals)
    3. Standard Response (Select from all Available Standard Responses)
    4. Recipient Type (Customer, Recipients)
    5. If Recipient Type selected add recipient Mobile numbers
  1. In App Notification 
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After  (From 30 minutes to 1 year intervals)
    3. Subject (free text)
    4. Text  (pre-populated with required Text)
    5. User Type (Lead Managers, Lead Owner, Users)
  1. SMS Message
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After  (From 30 minutes to 1 year intervals)
    3. Subject (free text)
    4. Text  (pre-populated with required Text)
    5. Recipient Type (Customer, Recipients)
    6. If Recipient Type selected add recipient Mobile numbers
  1. SMS Notification
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After  (From 30 minutes to 1 year intervals)
    3. Text  (pre-populated with required Text)
    4. User Type (Lead Managers, Lead Owner, Users)
  1. SMS Response
    1. Run (After or Before)
    2. After  (From 30 minutes to 1 year intervals)
    3. Standard Response (Select from all Available Standard Responses)
    4. Recipient Type (Customer, Recipients)
    5. If Recipient Type selected add recipient Mobile numbers


There are a number of Brake Types that can be selected which will 'stop' the Triggers.  One or many Brake types can be selected.
  1. Customer Sent Email or SMS or Click to Call
  2. Calendar Event Created
  3. Customer Sent Email Campaign
  4. Customer Sent Email or SMS or Click To Call
  5. Customer SMS or Email Recieved
  6. Form Created
  7. Lead Closed Lost

 Yards, Sources, Campaigns and Makes
By default, these are set to All Yards, Sources, Campaigns and Makes with the option of selecting one or many
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